Doc. No. 0121820 rev. B
Page 6 of 8
Microphone & Receiver
Mic complete
p/n 612-001-001-23
Mic wires are connected and placed as shown
The mic is covered in the
indicated area by standard nail
varnish to protect the mic and
to keep the wires in place
Bend the wires as shown
before mounting the mic into
The rec is covered
with standard nail
varnish to protect the
rec. Solder the wires
as shown
The rec is covered with a
second layer to protect the
soldering pads and to keep the
wires in place. Mount the rec
into suspension
Mounting the rec into housing (same procedure goes for the mic):
Get a solder wick. Insert wick into the receiver hole of the frame (from outside to inside).
Using a tweezer, open the wick like a “tube opening”. Place the end of the rec tube into the
“tube” opening of the wick. Compress the wick tube opening to collapse into the rec tube
Pull the outside end of the wick taking along the rec tube. Remember to position the metal
side of the rec upwards so twist while pulling the wick if necessary to position the rec in
the frame. Pull the wick all the way through until the end of the rec tube is through. Then
the wick will disengage from the rec tube. It may extend the tip of the rec tube a bit, but
you can push it back in place.