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Caller ID/Call Waiting Type 2.5 with Call Waiting Deluxe 



Owner’s Manual 

Installation and 

Operating Instructions 




















Caller ID, Caller ID Call Waiting, and/or Call Waiting Deluxe 
Services, where available, are available from Bellsouth.   After 
subscribing to Caller ID, Caller ID Call Waiting and/or Call 
Waiting Deluxe Services, this phone will display Caller/Caller 
Waited party’s name and phone number, and the associated soft 
keys of the Call Waiting Deluxe service. 

Please read 

this manual 


before use. 

Keep for your 








All manuals and user guides at

Summary of Contents for Premium Systems BS-373

Page 1: ...reav ailab lef romBells outh Af ter s ub s c rib ing to Caller ID Caller ID Call Waiting and or Call Waiting DeluxeServ ic es th isp h one w ill dis p lay Caller Caller Waitedp arty sname and p h one...



Page 4: ...he oper at i ng i ns t r uc t i ons I mpr operadj u st ment ofot hercon t r ol sma y r esul ti n da mage and wi l l of t en r equi r e ex t ensi ve wor k b y a qual i f i edt e chni ci ant or e st or...

Page 5: ...eonhandset Handsf r eespeaker phoneonbaseuni t gi v i ngt hebaseuni tcom pl et ef unct i onal i t yof anot herhandset Dedi c at ed key s on t he base uni t Redi al Fl ash Li ne1 Speak er phone Li ne2...

Page 6: ...e l ocat i onshoul d be cl ose t o bot h a phone j ackand a cont i nuous powerout l et whi chi snotswi t chcont r ol l ed 2 Keep t he base and t he handsetawayf r om sour c es ofel ect r i c alnoi ses...

Page 7: ...b Dur ingst andby pr ess t oscr ol lt hr oughMenuopt ions accessCal l erI D Recor ds PhonebookDir ect or yRecor dsand RedialList Speaker phone Key Spk Pr esst ot ur nont hehandsf r eespeak er phoneand...

Page 8: ...l ash keyisused t oaccesst el ephonecom panyser v icessuchasCal lWait ing Di al Pad Thenum er ickey sar eused int heconv ent ional m annerf ordial l ing I nt er com Key I nt Dur ingst andby pr esst he...

Page 9: ...adl eand beingchar ged Spar e Bat t er yI ndi cat or Light swhent hespar ebat t er yisint hechar gingcom par t m ent Di al Pad Thenum er ickey sar eused int heconv ent ional m annerf ordial l ing Li n...

Page 10: ...or ynumberent r yt o inser ta 3 second pauseint ot hedial ingsequenc e indicat ed by P Di al 1 1 Fl ashKey a W hil e r ev iewing t he Cal l erI D Recor d pr ess Dial11 and t hen a LI NE keyt o Cal l B...

Page 11: oft hebaseunit Youcoul d chooset oconnectt hecomm unicat ion dev icet oLine1 orLine2 wit ht hej ack sl abel ed L1 Dat a or L2 Dat a r espect iv el y Howev er if y ouhav e2 t el ephonel inesocc upie...

Page 12: ...28 3 Answer inga cal l Aut o answerist hedef aul t m odeset t ingof t hephone I ft hehandsetisont hechar gecr adl e j ust l if tt hehandsetand t hel ineisaut om at ic al l y connect ed I ft hephoneiss...

Page 13: ...umber 2 Pr ess SAVE sof t keyt ost or et he num berint oPhoneBookDir ect or y 42 9 Manual l yadd a new num berint oPhoneBook Dir ect or y 1 Pr ess DI R sof t key 2 Pr ess SAVE sof t keyand t henkey in...

Page 14: ...Page on baseunitwhil econnect ed t oanex t er nal l ine 2 Pr esst hedesir ed handsetnum beror pr ess 0 f ort hebaseunit 3 Pr esscor r espondingLI NEkeyon handsetoront hebaseunitt ot akeback t hecal la...

Page 15: ...aywil lbeon and t he handsetbeeps int er mit t ent l ywhil e itis in use I ft he handsetbat t er yis not pr oper l y char ged wil lbe on f orcer t ain per iod and t hen LOW BATTERY is displ ay ed I ft...

Page 16: ...hepowercor d and bat t er iesindic at ed int hism anual Donotdisposeof bat t er iesina f ir e Theym ayex pl ode Checkwit hl ocalcodesf orpossibl especial disposalinst r uct ions 2 Connectt heAC adapt...

Page 17: ...s e t 4 Pr esst heLI NEkey t hein usel ine ont hehandsetand pr esst he By e keyont hebaseunitt oswapt hecal lbackt o t hehandset Not e Makesur et hedr ained bat t er yisputint hebaseunit bat t er ycom...

Page 18: ...Thehandsetwi l lr et ur nt o REGI STRATI ON af t er2 sec onds Pr ess EXI T t oendt her egi st r at i on De r egi stera handset I fy ouwantt ode r egi st erar egi st er edhandsetf r om t hebaseuni t ge...

Page 19: ...l lber eadyt o use assoon as t hebat t er yi s char ged I fy ourl i ne uses pul se r ot ar y di al i ng y ou wi l l needt osett hedi al i ngmodeasf ol l ows Pr ess MENU and REGI STRATI ON appear sont...

Page 20: ...separ at el y I fy ourpr em i sehasonl y1Li necom i ngoutofawal lpl at e Taket heshor tt el ephonel i necor dandpl ugi ti nt ot hej ackmar ked LI NE 1 2 4 I nser t2hook t absand2shor tt absoft he wal...

Page 21: ...eoff unct i onswhi c har egr oupedi nm enus Youcan cust omi z ey ourphonebypr essi ngt heMenukeyandusi ng scr ol lkey st oscr ol l t hr ought heopt i ons MENU SETT INGS All manuals and user guides at...

Page 22: ...oaddahandsett oadesi r edbase Pr ess MENU ont hehandsetdur i ngst andby Usi ng t osel ect REGI STRATI ON Pr ess O K t oent eri nt ot hesel ect i on I nt hesecondl evel usi ng t oaccess ADD A HANDSET F...

Page 23: ...D FULL i sdi spl ay edwhenr egi st er i ng si mpl ydel et eal lhandset sf r om t hebaseandr est ar tt her egi st r at i onofhandset s Di al Mode Pr ess MENU Usi ng t osel ect DI ALMODE Pr ess O K t oe...

Page 24: ...and the LED will blink while receiving a call The handset will ring ONLYwith intercom call f rom base unit or other handsets Answer Modes Onlyavailable in handsetm enu Handsetsm aybe programm ed to ei...

Page 25: ...W ai t i ngI D Opt i ons Press MENU Using to access CW I D OPTI ON Press O K to enter into the selection Using to switch the Call W aiting I D Options ON or OFF Press SAVE to conf irm and then press...

Page 26: ...Enter the accesscode and the phone num ber y ouwish to dial the phone will autom aticallyinsert a pause af ter the f irst digit when dialing the num ber On the contrary ifthe f irst digit isnot the a...

Page 27: em entt oy ourdesir edv ol um e l ev el Pr ess SAVE t oconf ir m andt hen pr ess EXI T t or et ur n t ost and by Not e W hen t hev ol umel ev elis sett o 0 Thecor r esponding announcementis disabl...

Page 28: ...rdel et et hemessage use DialVoiceMail f ordet ail s seepage33 This m odeis av ail abl eonl ywhen t her eis new or non r eadm essagein y ourv oicemail Pr ess MENU Using t oaccess DELETE MESSAGE Pr ess...

Page 29: ...fy ouwantt oaccessLi ne 2 pr ess Li ne 2 f i r st t henpr ess Spk I fLi ne 1i sengagedbyanot herhandset L1BUSY wi l lappearont he di spl ayf ora whi l e andLi ne 2wi l lbe act i v at ed I fLi ne 1i se...

Page 30: ...i at e LINEkeyasdi spl ay ed or Spk t o answer I ft he phone i ssett o Aut oAnswermodeand t he handseti son t he char gi ng cr adl e y ou cananswera cal l by l i f t i ng t he handset of f t he base...

Page 31: ...n orpr ess SAVE and SAVED TO DI R i sdi spl ay edt oconf i r m t he ent r y ADJUSTING HANDSETRECEIVER VOLUME Ther e ar e 4r ecei v erv ol um e l ev el si nt he handset s I tcanbe adj ust edbypr essi n...

Page 32: ...medi at el y PAGING FROM BASEUNITTO HANDSET Tol ocat e t he handset s whi l e notont he base uni t pr ess I nt Page ont he base uni t and EXTENSI ON wi l lappearont he scr een Pr esshandsetnum ber1 8...

Page 33: ...att he desi r edposi t i onwheny ouar e cr eat i ngor edi t i ngaphone numberand P appear sont he di spl ay Foral ongerdel ay pr ess Pause addi t i onalt i mes Not e Rem em ber t he phone num bery ou...

Page 34: ...t o t he Voi ce Mai land Message W ai t i ng I ndi c at orser v i ces y ou can access y ourv oi ce m ai lsy st em bypr essi ng DI AL V M To use t hi s f eat ur e y ou m ustf i r stpr ogr am y ourv oi...

Page 35: ...m Cal l erI D Li sti nCALLER I D OPERATI ON f ordet ai l s Seepage 38 DAILING FROM PHONE BOOK DIRECTORY I nst andbym ode pr ess DI R sof t keyandt henusi ng scr ol lt hr ought he m emor ycont ent si n...

Page 36: t he baseuni tandt hef eedbackwi l l st op Si ngl el i neconf er encecal l 3W aycal l i ng W hi l eonacal l pr ess 3W AY sof t keyt oaccess3W ay Cal l i ngser v i ce Thesy st em wi l ldi aloutal on...

Page 37: ...Li ne1 or Li ne2 ont hebaseuni tt oj oi nt he conf er enc ecal l Not e Pr essanyLINEkeyagai nt oendt heconf er encebut m ai nt ai nbot hcal l s separ at el yont hehandsetandt hebaseuni t e g Pr ess L...

Page 38: ...r ecor dar r i v es i ti s assi gnedanumberf r om 01t o 50 Themostr ecentr ecor dwi l lhav et hel owest num ber W hent heCal l erLi sti sf ul l t heol destr ecor di sdel et edt omaker oom f ornew r ec...

Page 39: ...beri sdi spl ay edand y ouwantt ocal lbacki na7 di gi tf or m at y oucansi m pl y pr ess Di al7 t henaLI NE keyt odi alonl yt hel astsev en di gi t soft henum ber Not e Di al7 Di al sonl yt hel ast se...

Page 40: ...Thecal li sanoper at or assi st edcal l VOI CEANNOUNCECALLER I D Yourphonecanannounceacal l er snam eornumbert hr ought hespeakeri nt hebase uni t Youdon tev enhav et ol ookatt hedi spl ayt oknow who...

Page 41: ...l ay W heny ouheart heCal lW ai t i ngt one pr esst he cor r espondi ngsof t keyt oappl yadi sposi t i ont ot hecal l Not e Youm ustdi sposi t i ont hecal lwi t hi n26sec ondsoft heCal lW ai t i ngt o...

Page 42: ...nouncementwi l lbesentandt hewai t i ngcal lwi l l bepl ac edonhol d Af t ert hepr i v at econv er sat i onwi t ht heor i gi nalcal l er y oum aysel ectt odr opt heor i gi nal cal landt aket hewai t i...

Page 43: pty out or ecor danam ef orVoi ceAnnouncet o associ at ewi t ht hecopi edcal l erI D num beraf t er2 sec onds I fy ouwantt or ecor danam ef orVoi ce Announce seenex tsect i on Orpr ess EXI T sof t...

Page 44: ...i c 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 Char act er s Space A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Adding Special Symbols Youcanal souse or t oi nser tt hef ol l owi ngspeci al sy m bol si nt henamef i...

Page 45: ...AK AFTER TONE is displ ayed wait f or the beep and then repeat the previous steps REVIEW ING PHONE BOOK DIRECTORY Press DI R sof tkey duringstandby mode Press to review the Directory in al phabetical...

Page 46: ...the Voice Announce Name as wel l or press EXI T to f inish W hen f inished the screen wil ldispl ay the edited entry DELETING AN ENTRYFROM A PHONE BOOK DIRECTORY Scrol lto the record to be del eted I...

Page 47: ...ayed To conf irm the del etion ofal lrecords press O K To ex it without del eting press EXI T DIALING FROM THE PHONE BOOK DIRECTORY Duringstand by mode press DI R and f ind the entry you want to cal l...

Page 48: ...andset two way intercom is operated independent ofthe base unit W hen a Handset is in standby mode press I nt LCD displ ay shows EXTENSI ON Key in the number ofthe handset 1 2 8 or base unit 0 you wan...

Page 49: displ ay and you need to repeat the above steps I fyou did this f rom HS1to HS2 then HS2 rings and TRANSFER FROM L1 appear on the displ ay Press Line1 on the cal l ed handset to pickup I fthe hand...

Page 50: ...r v i cesar eacc essi bl eonl yi fy ousubscr i bef r om y ourl ocalt el ephone company DI ALI NG SERVI CES Dur i ngst andbym ode pr ess SERVI CE sof t key CALLRETURN 69 wi l lbeshownont hedi spl ay Pr...

Page 51: ...RepeatNumber TheCal lRepeatnum beri s7m ax i m um OUT OFRANGE I ft hehandsetcannotcomm uni cat ewi t ht hebaseuni tort hehandseti st oof araway f r om t hebasedur i ngaconv er sat i onandt heRFsi gnal...

Page 52: ...heCALLER I D ser v i cet owhi chy ousubscr i bed i ncl udet heCALLI NG NAME DELI VERY f eat ur e Youcannothearorbehear d cl ear l y I ncr easet hehandsetr ecei v erv ol um e Cal l er si nf or m at i...

Page 53: ...and car ef ul l y Dr oppi ng i t can dam age ci r cui tboar ds and cases and can cause t he sy st em t o wor ki m pr oper l y Keep t hesy st em awayf r om ex cessi v e dustand di r t whi c h can cause...

Page 54: ...epai rorwar r ant yi nf or m at i on I ft he equi pmenti s causi ng har m t o t he t el ephone net wor k t he t el ephone com panym ayr equestt haty ou di sconnectt he equi pmentunt i l t hepr obl em...

Page 55: ...r adi at er adi of r equencyener gyand i fnoti nst al l ed and used i n accor dance wi t h t he i nst r uct i ons m aycause har m f uli nt er f er enc e t o r adi o communi c at i ons Howev er t her e...

Page 56: ...ncl udet hi s i nt hepackage I ncl udepay m entf oranyser v i ceorr epai rnotcov er edbywar r ant y asdet er m i nedby Bel l Sout h W HAT DOES OUR W ARRANTY NOT COVER Bat t er i es Dam agef r om mi s...

Page 57: t o t he wal lsur f ac e usi ng t hi s t em pl at e Once at t ached car ef ul l y pushy ouruni tont ot hescr ewsandsl i dedownunt i li ti ssecur ed W ALLM OUNT ING TEMPLAT E All manuals and user gu...

Page 58: ...57 NOT E All manuals and user guides at all guides com...
