For oven burners, open the drawer compartment and you will see the assembly screw below
the burner (Figure 12. Remove the screw, move the burner diagonally and the injector will be
revealed on the rear side of the burner box (Figure 11.
Remove the injectors with a 7mm spanner and replace the injector with the ones from the
spare set, with corresponding diameters suitable to the type of gas that is going to be used,
according to the information chart (which is also supplied in the gas conversion kit.
Adjusting the minimum flame position:
First of all, make sure that the appliance is unplugged from the electric current and the gas
feed is open. The minimum flame position is adjusted with a flat screw located on the valve.
For valves with a flame failure safety device, the screw is located on the side of the valve
spindle and for valves without a flame failure safety device, the screw is located inside the
valve spindle. To make this easier, we recommend to remove the control panel (and the
micro switch if your model has one) during the alteration. It you want to go from natural gas
to LPG the screw must be tightened and from LPG to natural gas, the screw must be
Determining the minimum flame position
To determine the min. position, ignite the burners and leave them on in
position. Remove the knobs because the screws are acces
ible only when the knobs are
removed. With the help of a small screwdriver fasten or loosen the bypass screw around 90
degrees. When the flame has a length of at least 4mm, the gas is well distributed. Make sure
that the flame does not die out when passing from the maximum position to the minimum
position. Create an artificial wind with your hand toward the flame to see if the flames are
stable. For
oven burner, operate the oven burner at
min. position for 5 minutes, then
open and close the oven door 2-3 times to check the flame stability of the burner.
Changing the gas inlet:
For some countries, the gas inlet type can be different for NG/LPG gases. In such a case,
remove the current connection components and nuts (if any and connect the new gas
supply accordingly. In all conditions, all components used in gas connections should be
approved by local and/or international authorities. In all gas connections, refer to the
Figure 11
Figure 10
Figure 12