Location of any of the items(*)
Minimum distance between the items
and the roof outlet
At the same roof as the outlet
3 m
At a different roof as the outlet
1 m
At a lower positioned wall than the outlet
1 m
At a higher sloping surface than the outlet
3 m
(*) Items:
• A ventilation opening that services an occupied room, a toilet or a bathroom.
• A combustibion air supply, if the supply flows through an occupied room.
• A window that can be opened that services an occupied room, a toilet or a bathroom.
Requirements on the wall outlet
Make sure that the outlet is installed at least 0.5 meter from:
• The corner of a building
• the edge of the roof
• The roof overhang and rain gutter
• Balconies etc. unless the exhaust construction extends to at least the face of the
protruding section
All the minimum distances are guidelines. Consult your national and local
directives for the exact minimum distances.
If the outlet is installed horizontally in less than 0.5 m and vertically in less than 2 m from
a public area, install an effective protector. Make sure that the mesh size of the guard
does not affect the operation of the appliance.
If the height of the outlet is less than 3 meter from the floor, the distance between the
outlet and a garden or a terrace must be at least 2 meter.
Location of any of the items(*)
Minimum distance between the items
and the wall outlet
On a wall where the item services a living space other
than that of the owner of the fireplace.
Do not install the wall outlet under an
On a wall (**)
Below the item: 2 m
Above the item: 0.75 m
Left or right of the outlet: 0.75 m
within 1 meter of the roof overhang
2 m
Under a balcony, walkway, etc.
2 meter from the underside of the bal-
cony or walkway
Under a balcony, walkway, etc. if the outlet extends to the
2 m
A facing wall less than 2 meters from the outlet.
Apply the minimum distance for items
on a wall.
(*) Items:
Smart Bell 75-55