D22002600 - v.0 - UPD 210715
The company BELL, referred to hereinafter as BELL, guarantees to the purchaser of every new BELL original product, purchased from a BELL authori-
zed dealer, that the product shall remain free from any defects in materials or workmanship for a period of 360 days (12 months) from the original date
of purchase or the date of
rst hire.
Spare parts installed on the product covered by this guarantee are guaranteed for 90 days (3 months) from the date of their repair or renewal.
Such parts must be supplied free of charge to the user by a BELL dealer or distributor during normal working hours.
BELL reserves the right to inspect any product or part which has been substituted as defective. Substituted parts must therefore be kept available for
12 months.
It is expressly understood that BELL shall be under no obligation to provide labour or accept transport expenses.
BELL shall accept no responsibility for any damage, defect or costs deriving from repairs and/or modi
cations of a BELL product, effected by any person
other than an authorized BELL representative.
This guarantee does not apply to commercial components covered by their own guarantee, such as internal combustion engines, diesel engines, etc..
This guarantee covers only defects arising during proper use of the machine. BELL shall accept no responsibility whatsoever if BELL components break
while under guarantee for reasons such as:
1) Misuse, negligence, improper handling, abuse or accident.
2) Failure to carry out reasonable or necessary maintenance as prescribed in this manual (renewal of worn components such as slides, hydraulic oil,
engine oil, gearbox oil; blade not sharpened, etc.)
3) The use of parts or accessories not manufactured, supplied or approved by BELL.
BELL does not provide further explicit or implied guarantees, other than those set forth herein.
(No representative or dealer is authorized to assume other responsibilities with regard to BELL products. The duration of the implicit gua-
rantees recognized by the law, including the commercial guarantees and conventions for particular purposes are limited in duration to the
validity and duration of the explicit guarantee granted below)
BELL shall upon no account act as guarantor for loss of pro
t, whether direct or indirect, speci
c or deriving from any damage.
If you require spare parts or repair work it will be useful the followins informations:
MODEL .........................................................................................................................
SERIAL NUMBER ........................................................................................................
DATE OF PURCHASE .................................................................................................