additional FunCtion modes
AverAge SPeeD (AvS)–
Average speed is indicated by AVS and is displayed on
the bottom line. AVS works in conjunction with the Trip Timer (TM) to calculate the
average speed for a specific trip. Now press either MODE button to advance to the
(TM) mode.
TriP TiMer (TM)–
Trip Timer is indicated by TM and is displayed on the bottom
line. The Trip Timer is activated automatically with computer input (comes on
automatically when you begin riding, turns off when you stop). It records only the time
actually spent riding. To reset TM to zero, return to DST (Trip Meter) mode and reset to
zero per the instructions above. Return to TM mode and press either MODE button to
advance to the Temperature mode.
TeMPerATure (TeMP)–
Your computer has a thermometer to measure outdoor
temperature. To select between Celsius (C) and Fahrenheit (F) readout, press and hold
the SET button for 2 seconds. Press either MODE button to select between C and F
and press the SET button to confirm. Now press either MODE button to advance to
the (CAL) mode.