Hardware Installation
A USB cable and network cable are provided for
connection of your equipment
If you choose to use a USB hub, the hub must
be externally powered.
In order to use the adapter, you must install drivers in the
USB host PC as described in the following sections. In
addition, you may need to configure the network
parameters. You may need your original Windows CD to
complete the installation.
Cable Connections
Figure 2-1 illustrates the provided USB cable connection
from the PC (A connector) to the adapter (B connector),
and the provided standard Ethernet cable connection from
the RJ45 connector on the adapter to an Ethernet port.
When prompted in the installation procedure, follow any
of the following connections:
Figure 2-1: Basic PC-to-Ethernet Port Connection
An Ethernet port is used to connect the adapter to an
Ethernet environment. Such a port might be an Ethernet
hub, network wall socket, peripheral device, cable
modem, etc.
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