Step 4: Configuring your Belkin Wireless Cable/DSL Router
(the Router) for connection to the Internet
3. Under the “Internet Options” screen, click on “Connections” and select
“LAN Settings…”.
4. Make sure there are no checkmarks next to any of the displayed options;
“Automatically detect settings”, “Use automatic configuration script” and
“Use a proxy server”. Click “OK”. Then click “OK” again in the “Internet
Options” page.
Your browser is now setup. Go to the
Accessing the Web Based Setup Utility
If you use
Netscape Navigator 4.0 or higher.
1. Start Netscape. Click on “Edit” then “Preferences”.
2. In the “Preferences” window, click on “Advanced” then select “Proxies”. In
the “Proxies” window, select “Direct connection to the Internet”.
Your browser is now setup with the Router. Go to the
Accessing the Web
Based Setup Utility