Carefully unpack and inspect your #770 Ultimate for shipping damage. Each machine is tested and
inspected before shipping. Any shipping damage incurred is the responsibility of the carrier. You should
notify the carrier immediately if you notice damage to the box or to the machine or parts.
The #770 Ultimate is capable of either wet or dry cleaning. Only liquid cleaners are recommended (no
powders). Solvents with a fl ash point of 140° F or higher are required for safety. Solvents are normally
used full strength. Water based cleaners are normally diluted. Follow label directions. The stainless
steel holding tank can be fi lled with up to 3 gal. of cleaning solution.
For optimum performance, fl ush the machine with clear water at the end of each working day. Once a
month, minimum, run a fl ushing compound through the machine to break up any mineral or chemical
build-up that may have formed. Clean the fl oat rod each time the recovery bucket is emptied. Inspect
the fi lters regularly and clean as needed. The vacuum fi lter is located under the recovery bucket. The
solution fi lter is located at the bottom of the holding tank. The quick disconnects and castors can be
lubricated with a penetrating spray lubricant. Fine steel wool will keep the brass quick disconnects shin-
ning. An auto interior spray cleaner/protectant will work well to keep the body clean and bright.
Serial Number:___________________________
Model: Ultimate PBIII 120-B
Purchase Date: _________________
Write the name and phone number of your distributor:
(and be sure to register your purchase to activate your warranty)
Heat Exchanger:
Circuit Board:
Sensing Systems:
Solvent Sensing Probe:
Electrical System:
Stainless steel and hexane copolymer for use with solvents and water
based detergents
80” water lift - 97 CFM
Stainless steel coil, instant heat transfer
Solid-state technology, long life monitoring system controls heating
operation (sensing within 1º F)
Solid state circuitry
Determines whether there is solvent or water-base cleaning in holding
tank. (Patented) Unique fail safe system
automatically prevents solvent from heating above 125º F regardless of
heat setting
Centrifugal type 40 psi carbon and ceramic seals and brass head, slide-
mount and compression fi ttings for quick removal and servicing
25 ft. 12/3 cord available in 120 & 240V 50/60 cycle
46 lbs.
23L x 22H x 10W
FORM NO. 56041876 - Page 3