Quick Start Guide
11 Once you have set the gateway, press the Select button
on the front edge of the
KMX-4911 card
to exit the control menu.
The card restarts. The startup sequence takes approximately two minutes, during
which time the Status LED is blinking orange. Once the startup has completed, the
Status LED should be green.
12 Check the card’s Status LED, and make sure that it does not indicate an error condition
(see table below).
13 Verify that the new IP address is effective, by referring to
, below. Perform this verification for all the cards that are
connected to your system’s rear module.
Finding the System IP Address and Application Version
To find the system IP address and application version
1 Press the Select button on the front edge of the KMX-4911 card.
• If you do not touch any button on the GV Node frame local control panel,
the CPU-ETH3 controller will revert to its normal standby mode, and the
selected card's Status LED will revert to its normal operating mode, after
30 seconds.
• If you changed a parameter from the card’s control menu, but have not
applied your change (you did not touch the SEL button on the local control
panel), once the 30-second timeout has occurred, the parameters will be
confirmed as if you had touched the SEL button.
Blinking orange
Blinking red
Booting (or the card is
selected for local control)
No Ethernet / SD card
No rear / fan failure /
critical temperature
Select button
Status LED