User Manual
Router Configuration Settings for Monitoring Mode
The default monitoring mode shows the router outputs and inputs of the MV-831. The
multiviewer can also monitor any router source and it does this by using routing resources of
the second crosspoint. However, this removes routing redundancy from one router output per
router source monitored.
In a Sirius 830 router configuration when a second video crosspoint is fitted, two types of
configuration setting determine what is monitored by the multiviewer of a MV-831 module:
• Redundant Crosspoint Enable.
• Main Output Follow.
Each MV-831 module presents 24 router outputs at its rear connectors. Each output has an
associated redundant route in a second video crosspoint. And for each output, there is a
‘Redundant Crosspoint Enable’ and a ‘Main Output Follow’ setting.
These configuration controls may be set (i.e. enabled or disabled) with Grass Valley WorkBench
software or via the Sirius 830’s door PC. Example screenshots are given in Figure 1-8 and
Figure 1-9 respectively.
Changing the ‘Redundant Crosspoint Enable’ and ‘Main Output Follow’ settings on an output-
by-output basis affects what is monitored by the multiviewer. See
Fig. 1-8: Example Grass Valley WorkBench Software Tabs:
a) ‘Redundant Crosspoint Enables’.
b) ‘Main Output Follow Disable’.
By default, all the ‘Redundant Crosspoint Enable’ and ‘Main Output
Follow’ settings are ‘enabled’, which results in the default monitoring
a) Redundant Crosspoint Enables
b) Main Output Follow Disable
A control setting per output for each
Sirius 830 output slot containing an