6 Bit assignment of the process data
6.1 16DIO module
6.1.15 Input data DCU extension (DCU modules only)
Bit 7
Bit 6
Bit 5
Bit 4
Bit 3
Bit 2
Bit 1
Bit 0
Byte n
Byte n + 1
16 bit I/O DCU extension
Byte n + 2
Byte n + 3
INT I/O DCU extension
Byte m + 16
Byte m + 17
INT I/O DCU extension
Table 57: Input data DCU extension
16 bit I/O DCU extension: Bit states as DCU output data
INT I/O DCU extension: 8 word data types as DCU output data (e.g. for
transferring counter states)
Manual LioN-P EtherNet/IP
Version 2.0 11/2017