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Instruction Manual A70 Version 6 19th April 2004
BEKA associates Ltd, Old Charlton Road, Hitchin, Hertfordshire. SG5 2DA. UK. Tel: +44 (0) 1462 438301
The transducer output is greater than expected.
transducer supply output is 4 wire i.e. 2 supply lines and 2
sense lines. The sense lines must be connected either directly
to the sensor or the supply outputs otherwise the Advisor will
“hunt” for a sensor and the output voltage will appear to be
excessive. (See section 8.8)
11) Typical Applications
A Position Sensor (0-10V input signal)
Tank Level Display (4/20mA Active Sensor)
Transmitter has its own power supply
Temperature Display (4/20mA Passive – Loop-
powered Transmitter)
24Vdc transmitter power supply option fitted
Weight Display (15Vdc Transducer supply
output, 0-100mV input range)
Transducer power supply fitted.