Sound module USM-RC-3
Engine sound 2
In addition to the actual engine/driving sound; a second speed-dependent sound can
also be played. However, this second engine sound does not offer as many sound
slots/options as the normal engine sound.
The engine sound 2 must not necessarily be an engine sound that is played while
"driving". Generally all speed adjustable sounds can be used for any kind of
movement. This can for example be a speed-dependent turret rotation of a tank or
the sound of a hydraulic pump in a construction vehicle.
Following sounds are available for the engine sound 2:
Engine start sound 2
Idle sound 2
Motion start 2 sound
Engine sound 2 (speed dependent)
Motion stop 2 sound
Engine stop 2 sound
The file names of engine sound 2 should differ from the file names of engine sound 1
if both are in the same folder.
The functions of engine sound 2 correspond in principle with those of the normal
engine sound (see page 31). Depending on type of movement, you do not have to
use all of these sound slots. For example, in case of a tank turret rotation, only the
sounds for motion starting, driving, and motion stopping are necessary because
there are no idle and engine start/stop sounds when turning a tank turret.
The speed for engine sound 2, can be controlled with any proportional channel.
Which channel, can be set in the Sound-Teacher (see page 72).
There are 2 options to activate/deactivate engine sound 2:
• by selecting the function "Engine Sound 2 on/off" for a position in “Configu
ration” -
“Proportional channels”, “Nautic 1”, Nautic 2”, or “EKMFA mode”
• by using the option "Turn on sound automatically by motion" in “Configuration”
“Engine Sound 2”.
Furthermore, there is also the option when starting engine sound 2, to shut off the
normal engine sound automatically - and vice versa. Thus it is easy possible to
change between two different engine sounds.
However, functions as reversing sound/light or brake sound/light are not directly
controlled by driving sound 2. These functions continue to be controlled through the
throttle channel at the normal engine sound.