Behringer F-Control Audio FCA202 Quick Start Manual Download Page 19




Quick Start Guide


You can connect standard commercial 
headphones fitted with a ¼" TRS jack 
plug to the     socket.


Use the 


 control to adjust the 

headphone volume. Turn the control 
fully to the left before you connect 
the headphones. This helps you avoid 
the damage that is caused by high 
volume settings.




 LED indicates that the 

equipment is ready to operate. It lights 
up as soon as the FCA202 is provided 
with power from the mains adapter or 
via the FireWire socket.




LED lights up as soon as the 

FCA202 is correctly connected by a 
FireWire cable to a computer that is 
in operation. If the LED does not light 
up, check the FireWire connection to 
the computer.


Use the 


 socket to connect the 

mains adapter provided. 




 port in combination with a 

suitable security lock from Kensington 
offers you a very good way to protect 
your equipment against theft. For further 
information, visit


Make the connection to your computer 
using one of the two 6-pin 



sockets. You can run other FireWire 
devices such as hard drives, from the 
second socket. This means that you 
always have a free FireWire port 
available, even if your computer has only 
one FireWire socket.


You can connect balanced or unbalanced 
audio cables with ¼" jack plugs to the 







You can connect unbalanced 
audio cables with ¼" TS jack plugs to 






 section gives information 

about the driver versions that are used. 
Compare the version numbers given here 
with the drivers available via Internet 
from If you have any 
problems, you should always try to 
install the newest driver software.


Use the 


 slider to set 

the desired latency. Click the 



button to accept the selection made. 





menu allows you to set the sample rate 
for the digital converter. The available 
frequencies are 44.1 kHz, 48.0 kHz and 
96.0 kHz. 


The wiring diagram is provided as 
additional information. It shows the 
signal flow in the FCA202.

Check Out for 

Full Manual

Summary of Contents for F-Control Audio FCA202

Page 1: ...Quick Start Guide Check Out behringer com for Full Manual F CONTROL AUDIO FCA202 Audiophile 2 In 2 Out 24 Bit 96 kHz FireWire Audio Interface ...

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Page 8: ... Cesconsignesdesécuritéet d entretiensontdestinées àunpersonnelqualifié Pourévitertout risquedechocélectrique n effectuezaucune réparationsurl appareilquinesoitdécrite parlemanueld utilisation Leséventuelles réparationsdoiventêtreeffectuées uniquementparuntechnicienspécialisé 1 Lisezcesconsignes 2 Conservezcesconsignes 3 Respecteztouslesavertissements 4 Respecteztoutesles consignesd utilisation 5 ...

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Page 18: ...34 35 F CONTROL AUDIO FCA202 Quick Start Guide 1 2 3 4 7 8 9 5 6 Front panel FCA202 Back of the FCA202 12 11 10 13 CONTROL PANEL window F CONTROL AUDIO FCA202 Controls ...

Page 19: your computer using one of the two 6 pin FIREWIRE sockets You can run other FireWire devices such as hard drives from the second socket This means that you always have a free FireWire port available even if your computer has only one FireWire socket 8 You can connect balanced or unbalanced audio cables with jack plugs to the BAL UNBAL OUT sockets F CONTROL AUDIO FCA202 Controls EN Controls 9 Yo...

Page 20: para conectar otros dispositivos FireWire como discos duros por ejemplo Esto significa que usted podrá disponer de un puerto FireWire libre aun cuando su ordenador cuente sólo con uno 8 En las salidas BAL UNBAL OUT puede conectar cables de audio balanceados o no balanceados con conectores jack de 6 3 mm 9 En las entradas UNBAL IN puede conectar cables de audio no balanceados con conectores jack...

Page 21: ...ensington com 7 Reliez l interface à l ordinateur grâce à l une des deux embases FIREWIRE à 6 broches Vous pouvez utiliser le second connecteur pour d autres appareils FireWire tels qu un disque dur Ainsi votre système dispose toujours d un port FireWire libre même si l ordinateur n en possède qu un seul 8 Les sorties BAL UNBAL OUT sont conçues pour des câbles audio montés en jacks symétriques ou ...

Page 22: ... unter kensington com 7 Über eine der beiden 6 poligen FIREWIRE Buchsen stellen Sie die Verbindung mit Ihrem Rechner her An dem zweiten Anschluss können Sie weitere FireWire Geräte wie z B Festplatten betreiben So steht Ihnen stets ein freier FireWire Port zur Verfügung auch wenn Ihr Computer nur über einen einzigen FireWire Anschluss verfügt 8 An die BAL UNBAL OUT Buchsen können Sie symmetrische ...

Page 23: ...gton com 7 A ligação ao seu computador é estabelecida através das duas tomadas de 6 pólos FIREWIRE Poderá conectar outros dispositivos FireWire como p ex discos rígidos à segunda ligação Deste modo tem sempre à sua disposição uma porta FireWire livre mesmo que o seu computador disponha de uma única ligação FireWire 8 Às tomadas BAL UNBAL OUT podem ligar se cabos áudio simétricos ou assimétricos co...

Page 24: ...z 48 0 kHz 96 0 kHz Software Drivers Windows WDM KS ASIO MME Mac OS X CoreAudio integrated into OS X System Data Frequency response 10 Hz to 21 kHz 1 dB 44 1 kHz sample rate 10 Hz to 45 kHz 1 dB 96 0 kHz sample rate Harmonic distortion 0 01 typ 10 dBV 1 kHz Crosstalk 100 dB 0 dBV 1 kHz Signal to noise 100 dB typ 1 kHz A weighted Power Supply FireWire connection 9 30 V 200 mA max Mains connection E...

Page 25: ...tidores 24 bits Multibit Delta Sigma Frecuencia de muestreo 44 1 kHz 48 0 kHz 96 0 kHz Software Drivers Windows WDM KS ASIO MME Mac OS X CoreAudio integrados en OS X Datos de Sistema Rango de frecuencia 10 Hz a 21 kHz 1 dB frecuencia de muestreo de 44 1 kHz 10 Hz a 45 kHz 1 dB frecuencia de muestreo de 96 0 kHz THD 0 01 típ 10 dBV 1 kHz Diafonía crosstalk 100 dB 0 dBV 1 kHz Relación señal a ruido ...

Page 26: ...ues Traitement Numerique Convertisseurs Delta Sigma Multibit 24 bits Fréq d échantillonnage 44 1 kHz 48 0 kHz 96 0 kHz Logiciels Pilotes Windows WDM KS ASIO MME Mac OS X CoreAudio intégré à OS X Caracteristiques du Systeme Bande passante De 10 Hz à 21 kHz 1 dB fréq d échantillonnage 44 1 kHz De 10 Hz à 45 kHz 1 dB fréq d échantillonnage 96 0 kHz THD 0 01 typ 10 dBV 1 kHz Diaphonie 100 dB 0 dBV 1 k...

Page 27: ...ltibit Delta Sigma Abtastrate 44 1 kHz 48 0 kHz 96 0 kHz Software Treiber Windows WDM KS ASIO MME Mac OS X CoreAudio integriert in OS X Systemdaten Frequenzgang 10 Hz bis 21 kHz 1 dB 44 1 kHz Abtastrate 10 Hz bis 45 kHz 1 dB 96 0 kHz Abtastrate Klirrfaktor 0 01 typ 10 dBV 1 kHz Übersprechen 100 dB 0 dBV 1 kHz Rauschabstand 100 dB typ 1 kHz A gewichtet Stromversorgung FireWire Anschluss 9 30 V 200 ...

Page 28: Taxa de exploração 44 1 kHz 48 0 kHz 96 0 kHz Software Controlador Windows WDM KS ASIO MME Mac OS X CoreAudio integrado no OS X Dados do Sistema Amplitude de frequências Taxa de exploração de 10 Hz a 21 kHz 1 dB 44 1 kHz Taxa de exploração de 10 Hz a 45 kHz 1 dB 96 0 kHz Coeficiente de distorsão 0 01 típ 10 dBV 1 kHz não linear Sobreposição de voz 100 dB 0 dBV 1 kHz Relação sinal ruído 100 dB t...

Page 29: ...ezla listedesdistributeursdevotrepaysdanslapage Support denotresiteInternetbehringer com Sivotrepaysn est pasdanslaliste essayezderésoudrevotreproblèmeavec notre aideenligne quevoustrouverezégalementdans Important information Aspectos importantes Informations importantes lasection Support dusitebehringer com Vouspouvez égalementnousfaireparvenirdirectementvotredemande deréparationsousgarantieparIn...

Page 30: ...uarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna Increase the separation between the equipmen...

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