How Can I Run Both
Players’ Injury Timer
The SS-3300/SS-3200 can run both players’ injury
timer simultaneously and alternate the display to show
both timers. See section on running injury timer on
page 7 for instructions on how to use injury timer.
Display, then start the Home (green) player’s injury
Green indicator will flash to show that the
Home player’s injury time is currently on the
Amber time digits will count up to show
elapsed Home injury time.
Display, then start the Guest (red) player’s injury
timer without stopping Home (green) player’s injury
Red indicator will immediately begin to flash
to show that the Guest player’s injury time is
currently on the display.
Amber time digits will count up to show
elapsed Guest injury time.
The display will now alternate every 5 seconds
between the green and red player’s injury time. This
alternating display will continue until either injury
timer is stopped.
When running injury timers simultaneously,
it is important to know that only the active (currently
displayed) timer can be started or stopped. For
example, if the Guest (red) player’s injury time is
currently displayed but the Home (green) player’s
injury timer should be stopped, the display for the
green player must first be activated (displayed) by
pressing the
button. Once the display has
changed and the green indicator is flashing, then
press the
button again to stop the green
injury timer.