2.1. Download and install app from Application Store:
Go to the App Store or Google Play and search “BeeWi CamPad”.
Or got to our website: http://www.bee-wi.com/applications-et-serveurs/campad
If you have already downloaded CamPad in the past, then go to your application store
to make sure you have the latest version.
2.2 Unpack Plug and install the Camera
Before you fix camera on the wall or ceiling with screws, we recommend that you first
connect to your Wi-Fi network and check that the camera works fine where you want to
install it. Sometimes, thick walls or places with a lot of Wi-Fi networks can affect your
home Wi-Fi signal.
If you cannot connect the camera in the designated space, we recommend that you
place it near your router within 3 feet and then try different spots.
Once camera is properly set and working, you can fix camera.
The screws provided in the pack are not convenient for all walls, please check a
specialist before drilling your wall.
Mark the position of the screw holes, then drill the hole. The camera should be strongly
held. Don’t forget that the camera needs a power supply. If the camera is fixed upside
down, you can switch the video stream in our app (see 2.4)
If an antenna is supplied, don’t forget to connect it. (Only for 780403 model)
Connect the AC adapter and plug it to a wall plug
For some models, you need to connect the RJ45 network cable from camera to router.
Then launch the app and add camera. After scanning QR code, the app will detect
your camera. If you want to use it in Wi-Fi mode then you should set your Wi-Fi settings
in the Advanced Settings >Wi-Fi Settings and enter the password of your Wi-Fi network
(your smartphone needs to be connected to the same network)
2.3 Connecting your camera to Wi-Fi using CamPad
Important: Verify your smart device (iOS or Android) is connected to a 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi.
Launch BeeWi CamPad app,
plug camera and click on “add
Then choose method to pair :
• Wired
• Wi-Fi
• Already on network