Instructions de sécurité
Precautions to be taken for the maintenance of the battery of your
RoadBoard R4
- The battery must be held out of reach children. So certain elements of the battery are swallowed,
to consult a doctor immediately.
- Not to put the battery in a microwawe oven or any other cooking equipment. The battery could catch
on fire, emit smoke, explode or cause a strong generation of heat.
- Not to mix the battery with other batteries.
- The battery should not be used in partnership with other batteries. Not to connect them nor them to
mix with other elements. This one could catch on fire, emit smoke, explode or cause a strong
generation of heat.
- Not to use one battery more if it presents notable anomalies, such as a particular odor, one excessive
heat, of the deformations or discolourations. The battery could catch on fire, to emit smoke, to
explode or cause a strong generation of heat if it is still used.
- If the battery is not charged after time indicated, to stop the process of load. The battery could catch on
fire, emit smoke, explode or cause a strong generation of heat.
- Escape: Not to use a timid battery near flames.
- If the liquid or the escape with a prickly odor, the battery must be held far away from the flames,
battery could ignite and explode.
- Not to touch a battery which flees.
- If the liquid makes contact with the eyes, that can cause lesions. If the liquid enters the eye, to rinse
immediately with pure water. To consult an ophtalmologist immediately. If liquid remain in the eye,
that can cause serious lesions.
- The battery must be withdrawn from the device before that-cisoit put at the rebus and the battery must
be eliminated in a sour way.
- The device must be disconnected from the feeder system during the withdrawal of the battery.
- This appreil contains a battery refillable Lithium-ion likely to explode or release from chemical
products. To reduce the burn or fire hazards: do not throw the battery with household refuse; in order
to preserve the environment, you remove from the battery conformément with the regulations in force
and in the approved points of collection; do not incinerate it; do not dismount the battery; do not crush
it; do not bore it; do not throw it in a fire; do not expose it to extreme temperatures.
- Take care not to carry out the replacement of the battery without the prior consent and the indications
of our engineering service.
Battery Lithium-ion of Samsung brand
Ref.: R4-SP03
Safety specifications