Version: 1.2.0
Fig. 11: Process Image - Custom PROFIsafe Connection
For the further configuration of the EL9930-000x, the target system must be assigned to an EL6910 in the
safety project.
Creation of the IO image of the EL9930-000x
The configuration of the IO image of the EL9930-000x is done via the configuration of the EL6910 in the I/O
tree (underneath the
node.) If a PROFIsafe connection has been configured for the EL6910, the
device has an extra tab called PROFIsafe, where the support of the EL9930 components must be activated
by checking the checkbox
Enable EL9930 Support
. Subsequently, the automatic generation of the
remaining configuration can be initiated via the button
Create EL9930 variables.
As a result, the process
image of the EL9930 instances is generated on the one hand, while the configuration of the Sync Units
necessary for successful use of the EL9930 architecture is automatically generated on the other. The
EL6910s, the EL9930-0000s and the EL9930-0001s must be located in the same Sync Unit (in the figure