Parameterization and commissioning
Version: 3.5
CANopen PDOs
(PDOs) are CAN telegrams which transport process data without a protocol
overhead. RxPDOs are received by node, TxPDOs are sent by the node. This description is contained in the
System Manager from the perspective of the configured node, i.e. RxPDOs are sent by the TwinCAT,
TxPDOs are received by the TwinCAT.
”PDO" tab
Fig. 107: ”PDO" tab
The CAN identifier of this PDO. For every two send and receive PDOs per node, CANopen provides
. These can then be changed.
determines the send behavior of the PDO. 255 corresponds to the event
driven send.
Inhibit Time
between two identical PDOs. Is entered in multiples of 0.1 ms.
The length of the PDO is based on the mapped variables and cannot therefore be edit here.
Event time
(FC510x and EL6751 only)
Enter the value for the
in ms. For send PDOs (here: RxPDOs, see above) the StartUp of
this timer triggers an additional PDO send, for receive PDOs (here: TxPDOs) the arrival of a PDO within the
pre-set value is monitored and the box state of the node is changed as appropriate. If 0, the parameter is not
transferred to the node.
TwinCAT creates corresponding inputs in the node object directory on the basis of the parameters entered
here. These are transferred via SDO at the system start. You can view the inputs at the SDO tab. If this
behavior is not required, you can deactivate "Auto Download of PDO Parameters" by selecting the checkbox
at the CAN node tab.
Deactivate checking of the PDO size
Checkbox for deactivation of the length check of the PDO size.