Becker SMI-BOX Install Manual Download Page 2


1. Installation of the SMI-BOX


Install the SMI- BOX Driver from the enclosed CD: 

Please follow the instructions on the screen.  

2. Connect the SMI-BOX with the


Connect the SMI-Box with the enclosed USB-Cable and 

a free USB-Port of your PC.

The SMI-BOX is now automatically recognised.  

In the hardware manager you find the SMI-BOX as 

USB-Comport. In the extended settings you may see the 

comport allocation and you may change it accordingly.

3. Installation of the SMI-


Install from the enclosed CD the SMI-easyMonitor: 

Please follow the instructions on the screen.  

4a. Master operation (no SMI-Actor existing) 

Pull off the power supply plug of the SMI-BOX! 

Ensure that the SMI-Cable is voltage-free! 

Connect all lines of the SMI-Cable with the 5-pole SMI-Terminal of the SMI-BOX. 

Switch the switch on the SMI-BOX to “Master”. 

Pull in the power supply plug of the SMI-BOX. 

Start the SMI easyMonitor. 

Set under “Options/Setting“ the actually used Comport of the USB-Comport.

The SMI easyMonitor may now be used.  

Prior to disconnect the lines of the SMI-Cable it is inevitable to pull off the power  
supply plug of the SMI-


4b. Slave Operation (an SMI-Actor exists) 

Pull off the power supply plug of the SMI-BOX! 

Ensure that the SMI-Cable is voltage-free! 

Make a connexion between lines I+ and I- of the SMI-Cable with the 5-pole SMI-Terminal of the SMI-BOX. 

Switch the switch of the SMI-BOX to „Slave“. 

Deactivate the communication of the actor with the SMI-Drives by pulling off the KNX/LON-Bus plug on the actor.

Start the SMI easyMonitor. 

Set under “Options/Setting“ the actually used Comport of the USB-Comport.

The SMI easyMonitor may now be used.

Prior to disconnect lines I+ and I- keep the SMI-Cable voltage-free!


