In stal ling the trans pon der an ten na 1A032
The trans pon der an ten na is fit ted to the un der si de of the air craft fu se la ge at a
ho ri zon tal, flat lo ca ti on. This lo ca ti on should not be in the “sha dow” of air craft
struc tu re items. The hig hest ran ge is achie vied when the an ten na is lo ca ted at
the low point on the air craft fu se la ge.
The in stal la ti on di men sions of the trans pon der an tenna is shown
in Fig. 2-3.
The trans pon der an ten na 1A032 is pro vi ded with a si li co ne rub- ber
gas ket which must also be in ter po sed bet ween the skin of the
air -
craft and the an ten na.
In air craft ha ving a woo den or plas tic airf ra me an elec tric coun ter-
weight pla te or pa nel must be lo ca ted wit hin the fu se la ge at the an-
ten na lo ca ti on with mi ni mum di men sions 40 x 40 cm.
An ten na ca ble
Use RG-58C/U an ten na ca ble for in stal la ti on of the trans pon der ATC
5401-1R. If the Coax ca ble bet ween re mo te con trol led trans pon der and an ten -
na is lon ger 2 m than should be used Ca ble RG-223/U.
Chec king af ter in stal la ti on
Ge ne ral
Af ter the in stal la ti on, check the re mo te con trol led trans pon der and dis play
unit to en su re sa tis fac to ry ope ra ti on of the all equip mentst.
Pre-flight check using self test
Switch-on test :
Switch the trans pon der ope ra ting mode switch from OFF to SBY. Unit
self-test will be exe cu ted.
Sys tem in itia li za ti on ta kes pla ce, i.e. data is trans mit ted bet ween the con trol
unit and re mo te con trol led trans pon der for the first 10 to 15 se conds af ter po -
wer on. The dis play flas hes du ring this pe ri od. Af ter com ple ti on of the in itia li -
za ti on, the mode which was set be fo re po wer off ap pe ars.
If the test is po si ti ve the units start ed with nor mal ope ra ti on. If the test is
ne ga ti ve, the LCD is in di ca ti on “fail”
An ten na mat ching
The an ten na in the air craft shall pro vi de a VSWR of
1.5 : 1.
ATC 5401-1R
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March 15/2004
Summary of Contents for ATC 5401-1R-01
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