Step 3
In order for the Battery Backup to charge the connector cable must be connected to
at least the battery terminal. Therefore, it is not possible to charge the battery simply
by having the mains power input terminal connected on its own.
The battery cells inside the RST050 are disconnected from the Battery status sensing
circuitry when the 4 pin output cable is not plugged in. Therefore, when the cable is
plugged in, the battery is then linked in circuit ready for use or charging.
Battery Status Indication
The RST050 Battery Back up has been designed with an intelligent charging system
to ensure correct and efficient operation of the battery terminal. The following
information is important to understand how the Battery Back up effectively operates
and in what state the LEDS will appear.
Status LED
If the Battery Status LED is red (with AC power connected), this means that the
battery is flat, and charging is required. The jumper cable MUST be plugged in to the
RST050 for the battery to be charged. Once charged, and if the RST050 is going to
be shelved (not connected to a system until required), it is recommended to un-plug
the 4-pin cable, so that there is no idle current draining the battery.