Initial Power Application
Once power is applied and a valid AES bit stream is applied to the selected input or if the unit is
configured to select an analog input and B input is selected, the unit will default to “MAN” mode of
operation. The LED indicator over the “MAN” button should be illuminated. In addition, the
channel selected LED indicator will be lit or flashing which indicates audio level under threshold
for at least 15 seconds. This feature allows the user to determine if audio level is sufficient to
drive the unit or for troubleshooting purposes. This feature can be defeated if desired by setting
DIP SW1-6 to the OFF position. In the OFF position the unit will always indicate channel selection
with a steady lighted indication. There should also be an indication of sample frequency if a digital
input is selected. When the unit is configured for analog input on input B the front panel sample
rate indication will be that which was selected upon configuration. When a digital input is selected
the sample rate indication will be that which is input on the selected digital input. The AES-403
supports any sample rate between 32 and 192 KHz for digital I/O. The AES-403 supports 32,
44.1 or 48 KHz for analog inputs which are configured upon initial installation. Factory default is
44.1 KHz sampling for analog input. Standard sample rates are indicated on the front panel
under “Sample Rate” and non standard sample rates are indicated with the “OTHER” LED
indication being illuminated. Press the error-reset button to clear any errors that might be
indicated. If the digital audio stream feeding the active channel of the unit is valid and no errors
occur the unit is ready for to be placed in the automatic mode if desired. If any of these errors
occur after depressing the error-reset button, then the feed to the unit is defective and should be
investigated. If all is in order, the unit is now ready for operation. All that is left to do is to select
the desired feed and then if desired, place the unit in automatic switch mode by depressing the
“AUTO” mode button. The LED indicator will light indicating automatic control of the switcher. The
unit will remain in this mode until an error is detected, loss of lock occurs, silence or is detected. If
any of these events occur, the unit will switch to the alternate path and remain there until the error
reset is performed from the front panel or remotely. When in AUTO mode and an error occurs the
unit will go to manual mode and the “MAN” button and error indication will flash to indicate that
an error has occurred. To clear the error, depress the “ERROR” button. If the error clears the
“ERROR” button LED will extinguish, error indicators will extinguish and the “MAN” button will
remain illuminated until the “AUTO” button is depressed.
Description of AES-403 Optional Programming Functions
S1-1 Front Panel Button Defeat
– When set to on will cause the A/B, MAN and AUTO buttons to
be non operational. Rear panel GPIO and serial remote control are still available when this switch
is turned on.
S1 -2, 3 Time Delay
– Sets the time delay that the silence sensor will wait before switching. Time
delay can be set to 30, 60, 90 or 120 seconds.
S1-4, 5 Silence Detector Channel
– Can be set to monitor both (L+R) or left only/right only.
When set to both, the silence detector will switch to the alternate path if one or both channels
signal level fall below threshold for the time delay set. For Left or Right only the silence sensor
will only switch after the channel being monitored times out. The unselected channel is ignored.
S1-6 Silence Indication on A/B Buttons
– Will cause the selected channel button to flash if
audio level falls below threshold for more than 15 seconds. Set to off for steady on condition of
A/B buttons.
S1-8 Serial Remote Control
– Turns on serial remote control functionality.
S2-1 AES ERROR Switching delay
– when enabled ignores all momentary digital errors under 5
seconds in duration – eliminates inadvertent switching on transient events. When switched to off