7.3 Menu description
8. Maintenance
Danger of death from airborne parts,
leaking fluids, electro shock
Always service the device in a
depressurized and de-energized
Danger of injury from aggressive
media or pollutants
- Depending on the measured medium,
this may constitute a danger to the
- Wear suitable protective clothing
e.g. gloves, goggles.
If necessary, clean the housing of the device using a moist cloth
and a non-aggressive cleaning solution. The cleaning medium for
the media wetted parts (pressure port / diaphragm / seal) may be
gases or liquids which are compatible with the selected materials.
Also observe the permissible temperature range according to the
data sheet. Deposits or contamination may occur on the
diaphragm / pressure port in case of certain media. Depending on
the quality of the process, suitable maintenance intervals must be
specified by the operator. As part of this, regular checks must be
carried out regarding corrosion, damage to the diaphragm and
signal shift. If the diaphragm is calcified, it is recommended to
send the device to BD SENSORS for decalcification.
NOTE - Wrong cleaning or improper touch may cause an
irreparable damage on the diaphragm. Therefore, never use
pointed objects or pressured air for cleaning the diaphragm.
9. Placing out of service
Danger of death from airborne parts,
leaking fluids
Disassemble the device in a
depressurized and switched-off
Danger of injury from aggressive
media or pollutants
- Depending on the measured medium,
this may constitute a danger to the
- Wear suitable protective clothing
e.g. gloves, goggles.
10. Service / repair
Information on service / repair:
Service phone: +420 572 411 011
10.1 Recalibration
During the life-time of a transmitter, the value of offset and span
may shift. As a consequence, a deviating signal value in
reference to the nominal pressure range starting point or end
point may be transmitted. If one of these two phenomena occurs
after prolonged use, a recalibration is recommended to ensure
furthermore high accuracy.
10.2 Return
Danger of injury from aggressive
media or pollutants
- Depending on the measured medium,
this may constitute a danger to the
- Wear suitable protective clothing
e.g. gloves, goggles.
Before every return of your device, whether for recalibration,
decalcification, modifications or repair, it has to be cleaned
carefully and packed shatter-proofed. You have to enclose a
notice of return with detailed defect description when sending
the device. If your device came in contact with harmful
substances, a declaration of decontamination is additionally
Appropriate forms can be downloaded from our homepage.
Download these by accessing www.bdsensors.com or request
[email protected] | phone: +420 572 411 011
In case of doubt regarding the fluid used, devices without a
declaration of decontamination will only be examined after
receipt of an appropriate declaration!
11. Disposal
Danger of injury from aggressive
media or pollutants
- Depending on the measured medium,
this may constitute a danger to the
- Wear suitable protective clothing
e.g. gloves, goggles.
The device must be disposed of according to the
European Directive 2012/19/EU (waste electrical
and electronic equipment). Waste equipment must
not be disposed of in household waste!
Dispose of the device properly!
12. Warranty terms
The warranty terms are subject to the legal warranty period of 24
months, valid from the date of delivery. If the device is used
improperly, modified or damaged, we will rule out any warranty
claim. A damaged diaphragm will not be accepted as a warranty
case. Likewise, there shall be no entitlement to services or parts
provided under warranty if the defects have arisen due to normal
wear and tear.
13. EU declaration of conformity / CE
The delivered device fulfils all legal requirements. The applied
directives, harmonised standards and documents are listed in the
EC declaration of conformity, which is available online at:
Additionally, the operational safety is confirmed by the CE sign on
the manufacturing label.
Switching on
Switching on without status message
, with "Left button" and "Right button" key possible.
Switching on with status message
, only possible with button "Menu key" (middle button).
Status message (appears in the display for approx. 2 seconds):
-Memory usage: in percent
-TAG: Measuring point designation in text form
-Battery: Status of the battery charge
-Firmware: installed version
Menu 1/11
: **** (a four-digit, freely combinable statement consisting of numbers, letters and special characters)
-Protection [Off]: unrestricted operation
-Protection [On]: operation only possible after password input
(Select menu item "Password" with "Edit" → Press "<<" or ">>" → Set value → continue with "Next". Set password and remember!
→ Press "Next" to "Protection" sub-item → Press "<<" or ">>" → Activate protection [On] or deactivate protection [Select] → confirm with "Next" and continue to menu bar.)
no connection to the evaluation software BD│DAQ, if password is active! If you have forgotten your password, contact the manufacturer!
Menu 2/11
Min/Max Values
Display of min / max values
- Minimum pressure display: The minimum pressure applied during measuring is shown in the display.
- Maximum pressure display: The maximum pressure applied during measuring is shown in the display.
- Minimum temperature display: The minimum temperature during measuring is shown in the display.
- Maximum temperature display: The maximum pressure applied during measuring is shown in the display.
Possible options: reset value [Reset ?, Sure?]
(Resetting of a value: select the menu point with "Edit" → button ">>" operate. There appears the question "Reset?" → once more operate the button ">>". It seems "Sure?"
additional confirmation whether the value should be put back → repeated confirming with the button ">>" takes over topically adjoining pressure as a minimum value.)
Menu 3/11
Data Logger
Data Logger configuration
the following settings are possible: linearly [Linear] (value admission to the counter level 600798 is reached), cyclically ( [Loop] (after the value is reached in 600798, the
data logger automatically begins the values once more to grasp and, besides, headlines the old values) or [Off] (in the display appears "
", if the data logger is activated
and goes out if the data logger is off).
Intervals to the memory of the measuring values (pressure / temperature):
Interval: second [1-99 sec.]; minute [1-99 min]; hour [1-99 h]; or day [1-99 days], the time of day is to be set additionally;
Milliseconds [20 msec.], only possible if the sampling rate is set to 50 / sec. in menu 4/11 (measuring performance).
Time of day: Measured value recording: at what time the value should be recorded (only effective for the interval setting "day").
TAG: Measuring point inscription, factory set BD│Sensors. The setting can be changed by the user.
- While the data logger is active, the display and pressure sensor module may not be disconnected!
Menu 4/11
Measuring Perf.
Sample rate: Possible settings [1 / sec.], [2 / sec.] or [50 / sec.] only if the interval is set to [20 msec.] in menu 3/11 (Data Logger).
Damping: Damping can be set in one-second increments between [1 sec.] and [10 sec.], or disabled by selecting [Off].
Menu 5/11
Quick access
Button configuration: Left button / Right button
Left / Right button: configuration of functions: [Min], [Max], [Light], [Zero], [Reset], [Single], [Off]
Description of the functions:
- [Min] / [Max] minimum / maximum pressure value is shown in the display
- [Light]
The backlight will turn on only when the illumination time in the 8/11 menu is set to 1-10 s.
- [Zero]
the zero point is set automatically, the display shows "
- [Reset]
the set zero point is reset, goes out
- [Single] the measured values are recorded individually after pressing the button
- [Off] switches off the display (standby), provided the data logger is deactivated.
Menu 6/11
Adjustment of pressure unit
adjustable units: [bar], [PSI], [mbar], [mH2O], [inHg], [cmHg], [mmHg], [hPa], [kPa], [MPa], [kg/cm2], [ inH2O], [mmH2O] or [User] (the user-defined unit [User] can only be
programmed using the software BD | DAQ), all pressure-related parameters are converted
Setting the decimal places
settable decimal places: standard [Std], one decimal place [+1] or two decimal places [+2]
Setting the temperature unit
adjustable units: degrees Celsius [°C], degrees Fahrenheit [°F] or Kelvin [K] set (factory setting [°C])
Menu 7/11
Settings 1
Setting the date, time and language
Adjustable options: The date in the format [T.M.JJJJ], the time in the format [hh: mm] and the language [German] or [English].
Menu 8/11
Settings 2
Setting the switch-off time, the lighting and the brightness
Off time: Setting the automatic switch-off in minutes. The automatic shut-off can be configured in increments of [1 min], [2 min], [3 min], [4 min] or [5 min] (the timer is
activated 30 sec. before switching it off) or disabled by the [Off] option. After deactivation, the precision digital pressure gauge is in continuous operation.
Illumination: the illumination duration can be set in one-second increments between [1 s] and [10 s] and in ten-second increments between [20 s] and [120 s], or disabled by
selecting [Off] and enabling [On]. Note: For continuous lighting [On] increased consumption of the battery charge.
Brightness: The brightness can be adjusted in 10% increments between [0%] and [100%].
Menu 9/11
Sensor Data
Overview of sensor data (pressure sensor module)
Serial number (ten-digit number)
[Lower:] Start of measuring range (value and unit)
Measuring range end (value and unit)
Date of manufacture (dd.mm.yyyy)
The values are set by the factory and cannot be changed. Automatic detection after connecting the sensor to the display
Menu 10/11
Device Info
Overview of device information (display)
[SN:] Serial number (eight-digit number)
[Cap:] Data logger capacity (occupied range 0-600798 / maximum acceptance 600798)
[Firmware:] The installed firmware version is displayed.
[Production:] Date of Manufacture (TT.MM.JJJJ)
Note: The values are set by the factory and cannot be changed. The recorded value in the data logger can be reset.
(Reset counter reading: menu point [Cap:] with "Edit" select → button "<<" or ">>" press. There appears the question "Reset?" → once more operate the button "<<" or
">>". It seems "Sure?" additional confirmation whether the value should be reset → repeated confirming with the button "<<" or ">>" reset the grasped measuring values.
Display announcement "Counter: 0/600798")
Menu 11/11
Setting the service options
Device restart: [No] or [Yes] Switching off and switching on the device is carried out automatically. Required before firmware upgrade.
Presets: Reset [No] or [Yes] to factory defaults
Display "No sensor": Display and pressure sensor modules are disconnected.
Indication "Inappropriate sensor": Sensor is not suitable for the sampling rate 50 / s and the interval of 20 ms.
Firmware update
Download current firmware (https://www.bdsensors.cz), switch on the device, connect the display to the computer (see 5.2), start the firmware update tool. Device (display)
restart (automatic detection), select update file with Select File, press Start Update button and execute update. Important: the update may not be interrupted!
Left button
: is a function button and can be configured in menu 5. Off, Min, Max, Light, Zero, Reset or Single function can be assigned to the button. The configured function is
active in display mode. Hold the button for about 2 seconds to activate the preset function. In operating mode, move backwards in the menu system "<<" or reduce
the setting value.
Right button:
is a function key and can be configured in menu 5. Off, Min, Max, Light, Zero, Reset or Single functions can be assigned to the key. Hold the button for about 2 seconds
to activate the preset function. In operating mode, move forward in the menu system ">>" or increase the setting.
pressing this "Menu" button will enter the operating mode; It also serves to select the individual menu items "Edit" or to confirm the set values "Next".
When pressing the button for approx. 4 seconds, the operating mode is exited.
To configure the individual menu items, the desired menu item must be set with the help of the left key "<<" or the right key ">>". Then confirm this with the menu button "Edit". Menu item
is highlighted and configuration can begin.
To save a set value the menu key "Next" must be pressed. To exit the menu, press the menu button for approx. 4 seconds. The operating mode is also left automatically after approx. 1
Changes are only effective after pressing the menu button "Next" and after leaving the menu item. When leaving the entire menu system, the set parameters are checked
again in relation to each other and in relation to the characteristics of the device. When configuring the unit, the measuring range is converted into the new unit only after leaving
the menu system. Depending on the pressure range, not all units may be used.