Special techniques should be considered if there are several
rescuers available, the victims are in very close proximity, and their
transceivers cannot be turned off. See the following page for a
summary of these techniques.
Advanced Options
Auto-Revert System:
if engaged by the user, the auto-revert feature
automatically returns the Tracker2 to transmit mode after five minutes
in search mode. At startup, the user can engage the Tracker’s auto-
revert feature by pressing and holding the options/SP button
turning the transceiver on. Continue to depress the SP button until
the display window shows “Ar.” Once auto-revert is engaged, auto-
revert remains activated as long as the transceiver is on.
If auto-revert is engaged, then after four minutes and 30 seconds in
search mode, an alarm will sound for 30 seconds and “Ar” will flash
repeatedly in the distance indicator. To remain in search mode, briefly
press the options/SP button or toggle the search tab in and back out
at any time during the 30-second alarm period. If 30 seconds elapse,
“tr” will flash once and the Tracker will begin transmitting. In auto-
revert mode, as long as the search tab is pulled out, the beeping will
continue to alert the user that the transceiver is transmitting.
If auto-revert is not engaged, the Tracker will sound a short alarm every
ten minutes to remind the user that he or she is in search mode. After
30 minutes in search, the transceiver will beep every ten minutes.
Mute Mode:
To mute the sound, begin in transmit (“tr”) mode, push
and hold the options/SP button
, then pull the search tab on, wait
until “L0” is displayed, then release the options/SP button. To turn
the loudspeaker
back on, simply push the search tab back into
transmit. The next time you return to search (“SE”) mode, the sound
will be on. Mute mode will not deactivate the beeps emitted when the
transceiver is about to begin transmitting a signal.
Special Mode:
Special (SP) mode is an advanced feature designed
to assist expert searchers in specialized multiple burial situations.
These situations are typically only found in guided groups where
victims are in close proximity and one or more rescuers can start
shoveling while a professional guide resumes the transceiver search.
SP mode can provide that searcher with a distance and direction to
the next victim.
Special mode can only be entered while the user is in search mode.
To enter SP mode, press the options/SP button
. For further
instructions, see the next page.
Operating Instructions
Shoveling is difficult and consumes the majority of time during an
avalanche rescue. Do not take shoveling skills for granted. For best
results, start shoveling just downhill of the probe (Figure G). Make
your hole is at least one “wingspan” wide. In burials deeper than one
meter, excavate downhill about 1.5 times the burial depth.
Multiple Burials
Complex multiple burials are quite rare in recreational settings and
usually can be treated as a series of single burials. When more
than one transmitting victim is within the receive range of Tracker2,
the multiple burial light
will illuminate and stay solid. (Note:
this light can occasionally illuminate irregularly in the presence of
electromagnetic noise or when detecting older analog transceivers).
If the multiple burial light is illuminated and/or the Tracker2 displays
more than one distance and direction, then you probably have
several victims within your receive range. Stay in search (SE) mode,
and focus on the closest distance reading, attempting to engage that
signal in the center search light.
Once you are significantly closer to one signal than the other (in SE
mode), Tracker2 will “lock” onto that signal and mask out the others.
Once this signal is isolated, the Tracker will behave very similar to how
it does in a single transceiver search. Once you have located the first
transceiver, turn it off if you determine the conditions are safe. If you
have a clear signal, then begin the search here for the next victim.
If the multiple burial light is flashing consistently on and off, then there
are at least two victims in close proximity (within five meters of the
searcher). This may require a special technique.
1.5 x
burial depth
Figure G
Operating Instructions