Operating Instructions
Fine Search:
The fine
search is the final part of
the transceiver search,
which is performed on
foot with the transceiver
positioned at or near
the snow surface. The
objective of the fine
search is to locate where
the signal is strongest
(distance reading is
lowest) and to reduce
the area to be probed.
Move the Tracker slowly
in a straight line along
the surface of the snow
during the final three
meters of the fine search.
The directional lights do
not illuminate in the final
two meters, so only pay
attention to the distance
readings. From the point where you have located the smallest reading,
“bracket” at 90-degree angles to the left and then to the right in search
of a lower reading (Figure I). Repeat if necessary along both axes. Begin
probing at the lowest distance reading.
At your lowest distance reading, probe in concentric circles, with each
probe hole about 10 inches (25 cm) apart (Figure J). Your probe should
enter the snow perpendicular to the slope. Once you have confirmed the
victim’s location, leave the probe in the snow.
Figure J
: Make sure
you go well past the
low reading to confirm
it is the lowest. When
bracketing, ignore the
directional lights, which
no longer illuminate at
less than two meters.
Do not rotate the
transceiver during
this process, as it can
change the distance
Figure I