Programming manual SCU-series
HB-37500-820-10-12F-EN SCU Programming manual
Page 44 of 252
Status: 19.03.2021
By pulling the elements and dropping them at the desired place, the user can change the
sequence of inferior elements within a superior node.
4.3.9. Control via document tabs
contains the following plans:
Global network
Local network
Terminal scheme
Wiring scheme
Functional scheme
The plans and the sheets are displayed in the document register card by individual register cards.
By navigating via the document tab, the user can switch between plans and sheets. Plan registers
are situated at the top of the window, and sheets are situated at the bottom of the window. Please
observe that by default only the register tabs, the terminal scheme, the wiring scheme and the
functional scheme are visible. The other tabs (networks, groups, SD-bus-groups) are displayed
only under particular circumstances. Every sheet belongs to a device. If a Slave device is selected
in the browser, only the plans and the sheets of this Slave device are visible. To display the sheets
of other devices, the user must select the devices in the browser.
the shortcut “Ctrl + tab key“ you can switch between the plans.