Programming manual SCU-series
HB-37500-820-10-12F-EN SCU Programming manual
Page 124 of 252
Status: 19.03.2021
Symbols for parameter export:
Figure 103 symbols in the device interface
not connected
Figure 104 symbols connected
starts the connection with the SCU system.
Disconnect: d
isconnects an active connection.
starts the program sequence in the
“Connected” mode“.
Stops the program sequence in the
“Connected” mode
opens the window for the connection settings. To establish a connection to an SCU
system, the transmission parameters must be set accordingly.
Create export:
creates an export.
Validate and save: v
alidates and saves parameters.
Create report:
creates a PDF file or an Excel file of the connected device. The text file lists the
parameters of the configured modules and of the AWL programme.The print must be approved
and released within the TÜV certification and according to the necessary guidelines.