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adverse reaCTIons 

(ProbleMs and 

WHaT To do)

You should be aware that the following problems may 

•  Eyes stinging, burning, itching (irritation), or other 

eye pain

•  Comfort is less than when lens was first placed on 


•  Abnormal feeling of something in the eye (foreign 

body, scratched area)

•  Excessive watering (tearing) of the eyes
•  Unusual eye secretions
•  Redness of the eyes
•  Reduced sharpness of vision (poor visual acuity)
•  Blurred vision, rainbows, or halos around objects
•  Sensitivity to light (photophobia)
•  Dry eyes
If you notice any of the above:

Immediately remove your lenses.

•  If the discomfort or problem stops, then look closely 

at the lens. If the lens is in any way damaged,  

do not

 put the lens back on your eye. Place the 

lens in the storage case and contact your eye care 

professional. If the lens has dirt, an eyelash, or other 

foreign body on it, or the problem stops and the 

lens appears undamaged, you should thoroughly 

clean, rinse, and disinfect the lenses; then reinsert 

them. After reinsertion, if the problem continues, 

you should 

immediately remove the lenses and 

consult your eye care professional


When any of the above problems occur, a 

serious condition such as infection, corneal ulcer, 

neovascularization, or iritis may be present. You should 

keep the lens off your eye and seek immediate 

professional identification

 of the problem and 

prompt treatment to avoid serious eye damage.

Personal CleanlIness 

and lens HandlIng

1. PreParIng THe lens for WearIng

It is essential that you learn and use good hygienic 

methods in the care and handling of your new lenses. 

Cleanliness is the first and most important aspect of 

proper contact lens care. In particular, your hands 

should be clean and free of any foreign substances 

when you handle your lenses. The procedures are:

•  Always wash your hands thoroughly with a mild 

soap, rinse completely, and dry with a lint-free towel 

before touching your lenses.

•  Avoid the use of soaps containing cold cream, 

lotion, or oily cosmetics before handling your 

lenses, since these substances may come into 

contact with the lenses and interfere with successful 


•  Handle your lenses with your fingertips, and be 

careful to avoid contact with fingernails. It is helpful 

to keep your fingernails short and smooth.

Start off correctly by getting into the habit of always 

using proper hygienic procedures so that they 

become automatic.

2. HandlIng THe lenses

•  Develop the habit of always working with the same 

lens first to avoid mix ups.

•  Remove the lens from its storage case and examine 

it to be sure that it is moist, clean, clear, and free of 

any nicks or tears. 

•  Should you accidentally place an inside-out lens on 

your eye, one of the following signs should signal 

you to remove and replace it correctly:
a. Less than usual comfort
b. The lens may fold on the eye
c. Excessive lens movement on blink
d. Blurred vision

•  If the lens folds and sticks together: Place the lens in 

the palm of your hand and wet thoroughly with the 

recommended rinsing or storing solution. (Refer 

to the Lens Care Products Chart for the solutions 

available from Bausch & Lomb.) Then GENTLY rub 

the lens between your index finger and palm in a 

gentle back and forth motion.

•  If this gentle rubbing does not work, soak the lens 

in the recommended solution in your lens case until 

the lens has resumed its normal shape. If the lens 

flattens or drapes across your finger, the lens or 

your finger may be too wet. To correct this, dry your 

finger by transferring the lens several times from 

one index finger to the other, drying the opposite 

finger each time.

•  Keep the lens wet in the solutions recommended by 

your eye care professional. 

•  Never place a lens on the eye unless it has been 

fully hydrated (wet) with the recommended 

rinsing or storing solution. (Refer to the Lens Care 

Products Chart for the solutions available from 

Bausch & Lomb.)

Summary of Contents for SofLens Toric alphafilcon A

Page 1: ...PATIENT INFORMATION BOOKLET CAUTION Federal U S A law restricts this device to sale by or on the order of a licensed practitioner Visibility Tinted Contact Lenses SL7486 8002704 ...

Page 2: ...sinfecting Enzyming StorageandRewetting Lubricating 11 BasicInstructions 11 Chemical NotHeat Disinfection 12 LensDepositsandUseofEnzymaticCleaningProcedure 12 LensCaseCleaningandMaintenance 12 CareforaSticking Nonmoving Lens 12 CareforaDriedOut Dehydrated Lens 13 Emergencies 13 LensCareProductsChart 14 ChemicalLensCareSystems 14 AllLensCareSystems 14 InstructionsfortheMonovisionWearer 15 Wearingan...

Page 3: ...bythisbooklet aremadeofatypeof plasticthatabsorbsliquids vapors andsmallparticles and forsomepeople maycollectdepositsfromyournatural eyefluids Therefore youshouldstrictlyfollowtheinstructionscontainedinthesectionsofthisbookletentitled PersonalCleanliness and LensHandling aswellasthewritteninformationleafletsaccompanyingthelenscare productsthatyoubuyandanyotherinstructionsgiventoyoubyyoureyecarepr...

Page 4: ...nA VisibilityTinted ContactLensistobediscardedaftereachremoval WEARING RESTRICTIONS TheBausch LombSofLensToric alphafilconA VisibilityTintedContactLensesdescribedinthis bookletshouldberemovedfromyoureyesforroutine cleaninganddisinfectingasprescribedbyyoureye careprofessional Forextendedwear oncethe lensesareremoved youreyesshouldhavearest withoutlenswearforatleastoneovernight as recommendedbyyoure...

Page 5: ...ial microcystsandinfiltrates andendothelial polymegathism whichrequireconsiderationof discontinuationorrestrictionofextendedwear Theepithelialconditionsarereversibleupon discontinuationofextendedwear Precautions Youshouldbeawareofandfullydiscusswithyoureye careprofessionalthefollowinglenscareregimenand safetyprecautions Specific Precautions Alwaysdiscarddisposablelensesandlensesworn onafrequent pl...

Page 6: ...ructedastoa recommendedfollow upschedule Patientsshouldbeadvisedaboutwearinglenses duringsportingandwaterrelatedactivities Exposuretowaterwhilewearingcontactlenses inactivitiessuchasswimming waterskiingand hottubsmayincreasetheriskofocularinfection includingbutnotlimitedtoAcanthamoebakeratitis Alwayscontactyoureyecareprofessionalbefore usinganymedicineintheeyes Who Should Know That the Patient is ...

Page 7: ...yswashyourhandsthoroughlywithamild soap rinsecompletely anddrywithalint freetowel beforetouchingyourlenses Avoidtheuseofsoapscontainingcoldcream lotion oroilycosmeticsbeforehandlingyour lenses sincethesesubstancesmaycomeinto contactwiththelensesandinterferewithsuccessful wearing Handleyourlenseswithyourfingertips andbe carefultoavoidcontactwithfingernails Itishelpful tokeepyourfingernailsshortands...

Page 8: ...ora moment thelenswillcenteritselfonyoureye The Two Hand Placement Technique Withthelensonyourindexfinger usethemiddle fingeroftheotherhandtopulltheupperlidagainst thebrow Usethemiddlefingerofyourplacement handtopulldownthelowerlidandthenplacethelens centrallyonyoureye Whileholdingthisposition look downwardtopositionthelensproperly Slowlyrelease youreyelids IftheLensFeelsUncomfortable then Lookina...

Page 9: ...ewetting Lubricating 1 Basic Instructions Forcontinuedsafeandcomfortablewearingofyour lenses itisimportantthatyoufirstcleanandrinse thendisinfect andneutralize forhydrogenperoxide systems yourlensesaftereachremoval usingthe lenscareregimenrecommendedbyyoureyecare professional Cleaningandrinsingarenecessary toremovemucus secretions films ordepositswhich mayhaveaccumulatedduringwearing Theidealtime ...

Page 10: ...ion recommendedbyyoureyecareprofessionaland thoroughlyrinsethemwiththerecommended rinsingsolution Aftercleaning andrinsing todisinfect carefullyfollowtheinstructionsaccompanying thedisinfectingsolutioninthecareregimen recommendedbyyoureyecareprofessional Whenusinghydrogenperoxidelenscaresystems lensesmustbeneutralizedbeforewearing Followtherecommendationsonthehydrogen peroxidesystemlabeling Thorou...

Page 11: ...gandstoringsolutionfor atleast1houruntilitreturnstoasoftstate Cleanlensfirst thendisinfecttherehydratedlens usingarecommendedlenscaresystem Ifaftersoaking thelensdoesnotbecomesoft ifthe surfaceremainsdry DONOTUSETHELENS UNTILITHASBEENEXAMINEDBYYOUR EYECAREPROFESSIONAL 7 Emergencies Ifchemicalsofanykind householdproducts gardeningsolutions laboratorychemicals etc are splashedintoyoureyes youshould ...

Page 12: ...PurposeSolution Bausch LombReNuMulti PurposeSolution Rinsing Bausch LombReNuMultiPlusMulti PurposeSolution Bausch LombReNuMulti PurposeSolution Bausch LombSensitiveEyesSalineSolution Bausch LombSensitiveEyesSterileSalineSpray Bausch LombSensitiveEyesPlusSalineSolution EnzymaticProteinRemoval Bausch LombReNu1Step DailyProteinRemoverLiquid All Lens Care Systems ACTION CAREPRODUCT Rewetting Bausch Lo...

Page 13: Itisrecommendedthatyouonlydrivewith monovisioncorrectionifyoupassyourstatedrivers licenserequirementswithmonovisioncorrection Somemonovisionpatientswillneverbefully comfortablefunctioningunderlowlevelsof illumination suchasdrivingatnight Ifthishappens youmaywanttodiscusswithyoureyecare professionalhavingadditionalcontactlenses prescribedsothatbotheyesarecorrectedfor distancewhensharpdistancebin...

Page 14: ...ents Minimumnumber areon ofhourslensesto bewornattimeof appointmentday _______________________________________ Month Y ear Time _______________________________________ Month Y ear Time _______________________________________ Month Y ear Time _______________________________________ Month Y ear Time _______________________________________ Month Y ear Time ...

Page 15: ...ureyecareprofessionalwillprescribeyourownindividuallenswearingscheduleandlensreplacementschedule Usethespacebelowtorecordyourscheduleandwearingrecord DAY DATE HOURSTOBEWORN HOURSWORN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 ...

Page 16: ..._____________________________________________________________ Date Time 8 ________________________________________________________________________________ Date Time 9 ________________________________________________________________________________ Date Time 10 _______________________________________________________________________________ Date Time Eye Care Professional Information Please fill out...

Page 17: ...n Microbialkeratitis Aninfectedcornealulcer Hypoxia Lackofoxygen Epithelial Layerofcellsonthesurfaceofthecornea Epithelialmicrocysts Asmallabnormalstructure cyst inthefrontsurfaceofthe eye Endothelialpolymegathism Irregularcellsizeandshape Neovascularization Smallbloodvesselsgrowingintothecornea Iritis Internalinflammationofthecoloredpartoftheeye iris Symbol Reference Guide Forlabelsandcartons Qua...

Page 18: ... Bausch Lomb Incorporated TM are trademarks of Bausch Lomb Incorporated or its affiliates All rights reserved worldwide Printed in U S A Effective as of February 2015 ...
