background image


4.  Water aCtiVity

Instructions for Use:

Do not expose your contact lenses to water while you 

are wearing them.


Water can harbor microorganisms that can lead to 

severe infection, vision loss or blindness. If your lenses 

have been submersed in water when swimming in 

pools, lakes or oceans, you should discard them and 

replace them with a new pair. Ask your eye care 

practitioner (professional) for recommendations about 

wearing your lenses during any activity involving water.

5.  disCard date on solution bottle

Instructions for Use:

Discard any remaining solution after the 

recommended time period indicated on the bottle of 

solution used for disinfecting and soaking your contact 



Using your solution beyond the discard date could 

result in contamination of the solution and can lead to 

severe infection, vision loss or blindness.

6. basiC instruCtions

For safe contact lens wear, you should know and 

always practice your lens care routine:
•   Always wash, rinse, and dry hands before handling 

contact lenses.

•   Always use 

fresh unexpired

 lens care solutions.

•   Use the recommended chemical (not heat) lens 

care system and carefully follow instructions on 

solution labeling. Different solutions cannot always 

be used together, and not all solutions are safe 

for use with all lenses. 

Do not alternate or mix 

lens care systems unless indicated on solution 


•   Always remove, clean, rinse, enzyme and 

disinfect your lenses according to the schedule 

prescribed by your eye care professional. The use 

of an enzyme or any cleaning solution does not 

substitute for disinfection.

•   Do not use saliva or anything other than the 

recommended solutions for lubricating or 

rewetting your lenses. Do not put lenses in your 


•   Lenses prescribed in a frequent replacement 

program should be thrown away after the 

expiration of the wearing period prescribed by 

your eye care professional.

•   Never rinse your lenses in water from the tap. 

There are two reasons for this:

  a.  Tap water contains many impurities that can 

contaminate or damage your lenses and may 

lead to eye infection or injury.

  b. You might lose the lens down the drain.


 one lens first (always the same lens first 

to avoid mix-ups), 


 the lens thoroughly with 

recommended saline or disinfecting solution to 

remove the cleaning solution, mucus, and film from 

the lens surface. Follow the instructions provided 

in the cleaning solution labeling. Put that lens into 

the correct chamber of the lens storage case. Then 

repeat the procedure for the second lens.

•   After cleaning, and rinsing, 



using the system recommended by your eye care 

professional. Follow the instructions provided in the 

disinfection solution labeling.

•   To store lenses, disinfect and leave them in the 

closed/unopened case until ready to wear. If lenses 

are not to be used immediately after disinfection, 

you should consult the labeling of the storage 

solution for information on lens storage. 

•   Your eye care professional may recommend 

a lubricating/rewetting solution for your use. 


 solutions can be used to 

wet (lubricate) your lenses while you are wearing 

them to make them more comfortable.

7. CHemiCal (not Heat) disinfeCtion

•   Clean the contact lenses with the cleaning solution 

recommended by your eye care professional and 

thoroughly rinse them with the recommended 

rinsing solution.


After cleaning

, and rinsing, to disinfect, 

carefully follow the instructions accompanying 

the disinfecting solution in the care regimen 

recommended by your eye care professional.

•   When using hydrogen peroxide lens care systems, 


must be neutralized

 before wearing. 

Follow the recommendations on the hydrogen 

peroxide system labeling.

•   Thoroughly rinse lenses with a fresh solution 

recommended for rinsing before inserting 

and wearing, or follow the instructions on the 

disinfection solution labeling.



Do not heat the disinfection solution and 


•   Leave the lenses in the closed storage case until 

ready to put on your eyes.



Lenses that are chemically disinfected 

may absorb ingredients from the disinfecting 

solution which may be irritating to your eyes. A 

thorough rinse in fresh sterile saline solution prior to 

placement on your eye should reduce the potential 

for irritation.

8.  lens dePosits and use of 

enzymatiC Cleaning ProCedure

Enzyme cleaning may be recommended by your 

eye care professional. Enzyme cleaning removes 

protein deposits on the lens. These deposits cannot 

be removed with regular cleaners. Removing protein 

deposits is important for the well-being of your lenses 

and eyes. If these deposits are not removed, they can 

damage the lenses and cause irritation.
Enzyme cleaning does NOT replace routine cleaning 

and disinfecting. For enzyme cleaning, you should 

carefully follow the instructions in the enzymatic 

cleaning labeling.

Summary of Contents for PuerVision2

Page 1: ...b Incorporated 1400 North Goodman Street Rochester New York USA 14609 8129102 ATTENTION Read and save the enclosed information Store lenses at room temperature 60 F 80 F 15 C 25 C CAUTION Federal law restricts this device to sale by or on the order of a licensed practitioner PATIENT INFORMATION BOOKLET ...

Page 2: ...enses Cleaning Rinsing Disinfecting Enzyming StorageandRewetting Lubricating 8 SoakingandStoringYourLenses 8 RubandRinseTime 8 LensCaseCare 8 WaterActivity 9 DiscardDateonSolutionBottle 9 BasicInstructions 9 Chemical NotHeat Disinfection 9 LensDepositsandUseofEnzymaticCleaningProcedure 9 CareforaSticking Nonmoving Lens 10 CareforaDriedOut Dehydrated Lens 10 Emergencies 10 LensCareProductChart 10 I...

Page 3: ...visitsto youreyecareprofessionalarealsonecessaryforthe properandsafeuseofcontactlenses Itisimportanttonotwearyourlenseslonger thanrecommendedbyyoureyecareprofessional sincedoingsoincreasestheriskofadverse effects Spacesareprovidedinthebackofthisbooklet foryoutorecordyourpersonalwearingschedule andscheduleoffollow upvisits Softcontactlenses generallyarecomfortablefromthebeginning Therefore besureto...

Page 4: ...enscase wearing restrictions wearingschedule andfollow upvisit schedulemustbefollowed Studieshaveshownthatcontactlenswearerswho aresmokershaveahigherincidenceofadverse reactionsthannonsmokers EXTENDED WEAR Theriskofmicrobialkeratitishasbeenshowntobe greateramongusersofcontinuouswearcontact lensesthanamongusersofdailywearcontact lenses Someresearchersbelievethatthesecomplications arecausedbyoneormo...

Page 5: ...bediscardedafterthetimespecifiedinthelabeling directions Alwayskeepthelensescompletelyimmersedin therecommendedstoragesolutionwhenlenses arenotbeingworn stored Prolongedperiods ofdryingwilldamagelenses Followthelenscare directionsforCareforaDriedOut Dehydrated Lensiflenssurfacedoesbecomedriedout Donotusesalivaoranythingotherthanthe recommendedsolutionforlubricatingorwetting lenses Tapwater distill...

Page 6: ...ombPureVision balafilconA VisibilityTintedContactLenswhichhasthesame lensmaterial butdifferentlensdesign Thesestudies wereconductedwithsubjectsnotrequiringastigmatic correction PRE APPROVAL EXTENDED WEAR STUDY STUDY DESCRIPTION A12 monthclinicalstudyoftheBausch Lomb PureVision balafilconA VisibilityTintedContact Lensesshowedthelensissafeandeffectiveforvision correctionforupto30daysofcontinuouswear...

Page 7: ...nto contactwiththelensesandinterferewithsuccessful wearing Handleyourlenseswithyourfingertips andbe carefultoavoidcontactwithfingernails Itishelpful tokeepyourfingernailsshortandsmooth Startoffcorrectlybygettingintothehabitofalways usingproperhygienicproceduressothatthey becomeautomatic 2 Handling the Lenses Developthehabitofalwaysworkingwiththesame lensfirsttoavoidmixups Removethelensfromitsstora...

Page 8: ...e willtellyouifthelensisinthecorrect position Lookupandslowlypulldownyour lowerlidwiththemiddlefingerofyourremoval handandplaceyourindexfingeronthelower edgeofthelens Squeezethelenslightly betweenthethumbandindexfingerandremove it Avoidstickingtheedgesofthelenstogether c Removetheotherlensbyfollowingthesame procedure d Followtherequiredlenscareprocedures describedundertheheading CARINGFOR YOURLENS...

Page 9: ...n Youreyecareprofessionalshouldinstruct youaboutappropriateandadequateprocedures andproductsforyouruse andprovideyouwitha copyofthesePatientInstructionsforBausch Lomb PureVision 2forAstigmatism balafilconA Visibility TintedContactLenses 1 SOAKING and storing your lenses InstructionsforUse Useonlyfreshcontactlensdisinfectingsolutioneach timeyousoak store yourlenses WARNING Donotreuseor topoff oldso...

Page 10: ...n mucus andfilmfrom thelenssurface Followtheinstructionsprovided inthecleaningsolutionlabeling Putthatlensinto thecorrectchamberofthelensstoragecase Then repeattheprocedureforthesecondlens Aftercleaning andrinsing disinfectlenses usingthesystemrecommendedbyyoureyecare professional Followtheinstructionsprovidedinthe disinfectionsolutionlabeling Tostorelenses disinfectandleavetheminthe closed unopen...

Page 11: ...eyesthatyour contactlensesmovefreely Ifalenssticks stops moving putafewdropsofthelubricatingorrewetting solutionrecommendedbyyoureyecareprofessional intoyoureye Donotuseplainwateroranythingother thantherecommendedsolutions Donotattemptto removealensthatissticking whichcoulddamage youreye Ifthelensdoesnotbegintomovewhenyou blinkafterseveralapplicationsofthesolutionordrops contactyoureyecareprofessi...

Page 12: ...atnight Ifthishappens youmaywanttodiscusswithyoureyecare professionalhavingadditionalcontactlenses prescribedsothatbotheyesarecorrectedfor distancewhensharpdistancebinocularvisionis required Ifyourequireverysharpnearvisionduring prolongedclosework youmaywanttohave additionalcontactlensesprescribedsothatboth eyesarecorrectedfornearwhensharpnear binocularvisionisrequired Somemonovisionpatientsrequir...

Page 13: ...yecareprofessionalwillprescribeyourownindividuallenswearingscheduleandlensreplacementschedule Usethespacebelowtorecordyourscheduleandwearingrecord DAY DATE HOURSTOBEWORN HOURSWORN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 ...

Page 14: ...te Time 6 ________________________________________________________________________________ Date Time 7 ________________________________________________________________________________ Date Time 8 ________________________________________________________________________________ Date Time 9 ________________________________________________________________________________ Date Time 10 _________________...

Page 15: ... betweenthecorneaandiris Cornea Clear frontcoveringoftheeye Conjunctiva Membranethatlinestheeyelidsandthewhitepartoftheeye Cornealulcer Asoreorlesiononthecornea whichleftuntreatedcouldleadtopermanentloss ofvision Microbialkeratitis Aninfectedcornealulcer Hypoxia Lackofoxygen Epithelial Layerofcellsonthesurfaceofthecornea Epithelialmicrocysts Asmallabnormalstructure cyst inthefrontsurfaceoftheeye E...

Page 16: ... Bausch Lomb Incorporated All rights reserved worldwide TM are trademarks of Bausch Lomb Incorporated or its affiliates Other product brand names are trademarks of their respective owners ...
