April 4, 2013
Page 47
3.1.10 Troubleshooting and Repair
Troubleshooting Table
No oil pressure
Low oil level
Check oil level
Oil foam in crankcase
1. Last stage piston worn
2. Last stage pressure valve
1. Operate compressor with
final stage valve head
removed. If oil flows con-
tinuously out of cylinder,
replace piston and sleeve.
2. Replace last stage valves.
Compressor output insufficient
1. Condensate drain valves or
fittings leaking.
2. Premature opening of final
safety valve.
3. Piston rings worn
4. Excessive piston clearance
5. Pipes leaking
1. Tighten and reseal.
2. Clean and adjust final
safety valve.
3. Replace
4. Replace
5. Tighten
Safety valves between stages
releasing pressure
1. inter-stage pressure too
2. Valves not closing properly
1. Service and clean valves.
2. Service and clean valves.
Compressor running too hot.
1. Insufficient supply of cool-
ing air
2. Intake or outlet valve not
closing properly
3. Wrong direction of rotation.
1. Check location for adequate
2. Check and clean valves,
replace as necessary
3. Check arrow on compressor
and correct accordingly.
Oil residue in delivered air
1. Improper maintenance of
filters, purifier cartridge
2. Wrong oil type
1. Service filters, change puri-
fier cartridge.
2. Change to proper oil and
clean valves.
Compressor rotates in the
wrong direction
Electrical phases not connected
Reverse two of the three phase
leads at the switch box. Do NOT
change the leads at the motor ter-