background image

his de ice complies  ith part   of the 

  ules.  peration is sub ect to the follo in  t o conditions    this de ice may 

not cause harmful interference  and   this de ice must accept any interference recei ed  includin  interference that may 
cause undesired operation.


ny chan es or modi c ations not e pressly appro ed by the party responsible for compliancecould  oid the user s 


authority to operate the e uipment.


  his e uipment has been tested and found to comply  ith the limits for a  lass   di ital de ice  pursuant to Part   

of the 

  ules.  hese limits are desi ned to pro ide reasonable protection a ainst harmful interference in a residential 

installation.  his e uipment  enerates  uses and can radiate radio fre uency ener y and  if not installed and used in 


accordance  ith the instructions  may cause harmful interference to radio communications.  o e er  there is no  uarantee 
that interference  ill not occur in a particular installation.  f this e uipment does cause harmful interference to radio or 


tele ision reception   hich can be determined by turnin  the e uipment o  and on  the user is enc oura ed to try to correct 
the interference by one or more of  the follo in  measures


  eorient or relocate the recei in  antenna.


  ncrease the separation bet een the e uipment and recei er.


  onnect the e uipment into an outlet on a circuit di erent from that to  hich the recei er is connected.


  onsult the dealer or an e perienced radio

 technician for help.


   e posure statement


he e uipment complies  ith 

 radiation e posure limits set forth for an uncontrolled en ironment. 


The equipment can be used in portable exposure condition without restriction.


his e uipment complies  ith the pro isions of  irecti e 

.  t is strictly forbidden to dispose of this 

e uipment  ith ordinary trash  it must be recycled.  his symbol indicates that the product shall not be treated as re ular 
domestic trash  and must be deli ered to a recyclin  center that is capable of recyclin  electronic and electrical e uipment.

t is hereby declared that  aseus  torm  ite a product model of  hen hen  imes  nno ation  echnolo y  o.   td.  complies  ith 

the pro isions of  irecti e 

irecti e 

.  he full te t of the    eclaration of  onformity can be found on the 

follo in   ebsite


Please follo  the abo e safety instructions other ise it  ill cause  re
electric shock dama e or other dama e.
