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Do not place any metal kitchen utensils, pot covers, frying pans,
knives, or other metal objects on the cooking field. After the
device activation they may become very hot.
Keep in mind that the objects like rings, watches, etc. may
become hot in the vicinity of the cooking surface.
Do avoid overheating do not place the aliminium foil or metal
plates on the surface of the device.
WARNING! Fire hazard!
To avoid the hazard results please follow the instructions below.
Avoid prolonged heating of oils and fats! The overheated oil or
fat may quickly ignite. In case of ignition on the cooking field
deactivate the device and cover the flame with large pot cover,
plate, or moistened cloth.
Never use water for extinguishing!
After covering the flame wait for the cooking pots to cool down
and assure appropriate amount of fresh air.
WARNING! Explosion hazard!
To avoid the hazard results please follow the instructions below.
Do not place any flammable plastic containers or acidic and
basic materials near the device as it may limit its life and cause
deflagration during the activation.