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Button functions
Display the desired value, select parameters in the programming
mode or confirm the procedure
Manual defrost (press and hold for at least 3 seconds)
In the programming mode, select a parameter code, increase the
indicated value; for fast freezing press and hold for at least 3 seconds
In the programming mode, select a parameter code, decrease the
indicated value
Switch the device on and off (press and hold for at least 5 seconds)
Switch the lighting on and off
Combination of buttons
Some functions may be activated or deactivated by simultaneously pressing different
Lock and unlock buttons:
Press and hold both buttons simultaneously for 5 seconds
Enter the programming mode:
Press and hold both buttons simultaneously for more
than 3 seconds and start programming
Leave the programming mode and return to the previous value:
In order to leave the programming mode and return to the previous
value (value of temperature inside the device), press and hold both
buttons simultaneously for more than 3 seconds.