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5.5. Pre-Installation Tests
Prior to the installation into the customer’s system, the Mag900 & Mag901 must be fully tested to
ensure correct function as follows:
Take care to avoid bending or otherwise damaging the contacts whilst conducting
the tests.
Ensure the polarity is correct. Incorrect polarity is likely to damage the sensor
Use a current-limited power supply.
• Check the power supply output voltage using a voltmeter. Refer to datasheet DS4550
for the required values.
• Connect the sensor to the cable connector.
• Connect the power supply to the other end of the cable connector.
• Switch on the power supply and wait until the sensor has stabilised. Refer to datasheet
DS4550 for magnetic settling times.
• Confirm no magnetic objects are moving in the vicinity.
• For each of the three (X, Y and Z) axes in turn:
a. Connect a voltmeter to the axis sensor outputs.
b. Whilst monitoring the voltmeter readings, align the sensor with the terrestrial field
until the maximum voltage value is determined.
c. Confirm the measured readings approach the local geomagnetic field value.
Geomagnetic field values can be provided by your local magnetic observatory. A
margin of error due to local disturbance should be taken into account.