RDG603A17 – Issue 1 – Shire 30_40_50 WB/RB Manual
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speed control lever achieves full travel from idle to full speed. Adjust if necessary.
Check the gearbox shift lever selects positively and that the drive direction
corresponds with the gearshift control lever. Ensure that the gearbox control lever
and the gearshift lever are both in neutral before connection. Adjust if necessary.
22. Installation Check List
Please tick box
Engine alignment correct, clearance all round, check propeller turns by
hand (Ensure ignition is off battery and battery master switch is off)
Anti-Vibration mounts correct height, spacers if necessary. Make sure
all nuts are tight
Exhaust system as specified
Battery leads are of correct size, tightened and start battery is charged
Check tension of alternator belts, wiring connected and belt alignment
checked if removed
Check fuel system is connected correctly and primed
Fuel line water trap installed and water drained off
Check header tank connections (Work Boat) are correct way round,
constant pipework rise to header tank
Check level of coolant in header tank or manifold and correct ratio of
antifreeze to water
All air has been bled from skin tank, calorifier and pipework
Engine and gearbox oil levels are as specified
Throttle and gear cables correctly adjusted and operating smoothly
All pipework and cabling supported and not chaffing, slack to allow
movement of engine
Confirm engine control panel, gauges and warning lights are all
Suitable specification of hose between seacock and seawater pump
with no restrictions is fitted
Run the engine for 20 minutes with the boat tied up and in gear (at
speed). Check for leaks and that all systems operate correctly