You now need to adjust the height of
the front roller until the correct
setting is achieved. To adjust the
front roller height, twist this
adjusting nut. Twisting it clockwise
will lower the roller and twisting it
anti-clockwise will raise the roller.
The front roller needs to be adjusted so that
with the underside of the adjusting screw
head resting on the cutting surface of the
bottom blade, the setting bar is touching
both the front and rear roller as shown.
Make sure that this setting is achieved on
both ends of the bottom blade. If the front
roller is adjusted correctly you should be
able to slide the setting bar out from this
position with just a light resistance. If the
resistance is too hard then the front roller is
down too low. If there is hardly any
resistance then the front roller is too high
and further small adjustments are needed.
Remember to double check both ends
several times to ensure uniform adjustment.
Finally tighten the roller adjuster locking
nuts. After tightening these, re-check the
height of cut to see that nothing has moved.
If it has, then re-adjust as necessary.