Drawing 2: Stage Box SDI Input Router
Any SDI signal from any BNC stage box input can be handed as optical SDI signal to the main
system always at the same port. E.g. a remote camera or graphics key/fill will always appear
at the same synchronizer, no matter at which stage box it enters the system.
Drawing 3: Ravenna/AES67 Router
In this user case Ravenna/AES67 is used for connecting audio devices to the main audio core.
Each Ravenna/AES67 stream is converted to a single CWDM wavelength (TX and RX on the
same CWDM channel) by a BTF1-04 frame. The same wavelength is used for each stage box
in order to guarantee a connection of the audio frame to the main core even if the stage box
is connected to a different port than the one preconfigured. In case you want to run the
stage box at a different port than preconfigured, you can route the bidirectional stream to
any other port of the main audio core.
Drawing 4: CWDM Mux/Demux
Here you can see all signals connecting to multiplexers.
Drawing 5: Ethernet/MADI Router
The BarOne frame at a stage box end (in this case BTF1-02) needs an Ethernet connection
for control. Inside this Ethernet stream the GPIOs for this stage box are transported.
Ethernet is utilised to recognise the stage box with the main control system (e.g. VSM,
Dashboard etc.).
In this example MADI is used to transport 8 AES signals to/from the stage box for intercom
(e.g. Riedel Artist). A third party AES to MADI converter takes care of this function.
Each bi-directional Ethernet and MADI signal is converted to a single CWDM wavelength (TX
and RX on the same CWDM channel) by the BTF1-04 Ethernet/MADI Router. The same
wavelength is used for each stage box in order to guarantee a connection of the BTF1-02 at
the stage box end to the main control system and to the intercom matrix even if the stage
box is connected to the wrong cable.
Drawing 6: Stage Box
Each stage box is connected to the main system (e.g. studio or OB van) by a single mode
fiber strand with a redundant fiber strand as an option. For each stage box an 18 channel
CWDM multiplexer is used with (in our example redundant) Ravenna/AES67 stream,
Intercom and Ethernet always on the last 4 wavelengths. This assures that the stage box
"wakes up" even if gets connected to the wrong cable. The first wavelengths are used for SDI
signals, corresponding to the amount of signals needed at this particular stage box. If the
stage box is connected to the "wrong" cable there are still some SDI signals available.
Wavelengths that are not used for SDI, Audio stream, control etc. could be used for the
connection of cameras to the camera router or 3
party 10G/12G signals, which are
converted to the correct wavelength by BarnMini-11 or BarnMini-12.