Bardiani VVF Installation - Use - Maintenance Download Page 4


 - Via G. di Vittorio 50/52 

43045 - FORNOVO TARO - PR - Tel.: +390525400044 - Fax.: +3905253408

 Machinery Directive 97/27/EEC

(valve sizes DN15--25 are not included in accordance with Article 3 paragraph 1.3:

Valves intended for gases, liquified gases, gases dissolved under pressure, vapours and those  

liquids whose vapour pressure at the maximum allowable temperature is greater than 0,5 bar

above normal atmospheric pressure (1013 mbar) within the following limits:

- For fluids in Group 2 with a DN greater than 32. 

- Valve size DN125--150 only for fluids in Group 1 or 2 - valves intended for those liquids

whose vapour at the maximum allowable temperature is lower or even than 0.5 bar within

the normal atmospheric pressure (1013mbar).


This “Instruction, Use and Maintenance Manual” forms an integral part of the valve.

Before  proceeding  with  installation,  use  or  maintenance  of  each  type  of  valve  it  is  compulsory  to  read  and  understand  this 


Keep this manual for future reference.

When using valves which comply with  ATEX Directive 94/9/EC (ATEX) it is compulsory to read the relative manual.

This “Instruction, Use and Maintenance Manual” has been drawn up expressly for expert technical personnel.  Consequently any information 

which can easily be deducted from reading the text and/or examining the illustrations and/or drawings provided herein shall not be the object 

of further explanation.

It being understood that the essential characteristics of the valve type described herein shall remain the same, the manufacturer reserves 

the right to amend and/or integrate and/or update the data and/or information relative to use of the valve provided in the “Instruction, Use and 

Maintenance Manual”, at any time and without prior notice. 

The latest, updated version of the “Instruction, Use and Maintenance Manual” is always available at .

The manufacturer shall not in any way be held liable for any consequences resulting from failure to observe all the prescriptions provided in 

the relative manual concerning installation, use, maintenance and care of the product.

All rights are reserved. It is forbidden, without due written authorization from the manufacturer, to copy totally and/or partially and /or transfer 

and/or record any part of this “Instruction, Use and Maintenance Manual” using any means and/or support, including IT and/or electronic and/

or mechanical and/or paper form or any other means or system for recording and/or reusing the information contained herein for any purposes 

other than for the purchaser’s personal use. 



Bardiani Valvole S.p.A. guarantees its own products against any design and/or construction and/or material defects and/or faults for a period 

of 12 (twelve) months from the date of delivery.

Notification of any product defects and/or faults must be sent in writing to Bardiani Valvole S.p.A. within 8 (eight) days of coming to light, providing 

adequate documentation of the defect/fault encountered can be provided as evidence.

Any repairs made during the warranty period do not extend said period over the stipulated 12 (twelve) months which remains definite.


This warranty it to be intended as limited, at the discretion of Bardiani Valvole S.p.A., to the repair and/or replacement of the product and/or part 

of the product and/or its components which is/are found to be defective due to design and/or manufacturing and/or material faults.

In the event of repair and/or replacement of the product and/or any one of its parts and/or components, any returned item/s shall become the 

property of Bardiani Valvole S.p.A and the relative shipping costs shall be at the expense of Bardiani Valvole S.p.A.

Bardiani Valvole S.p.A., shall be under no obligation to compensate for any immaterial and/or indirect damages and shall in no way be held 

liable for consequential damages and/or losses, such as (by way of example only), damages due to loss of business, contracts, opportunities, 

time, production, profits, goodwill, image etc..

No retailer or distributor or dealer or agent or representative or employee or person appointed by Bardini Valvole S.p.A. is authorized to make 

any amendments and/or integrations and/or extensions to this warranty.


All  purchaser  rights,  as  established  and  recognized  by  law  being  understood  and  unaffected,  elastomers  and  electrical  components  are 

expressly excluded from this warranty.

This warranty does not cover design faults whenever a product is built by Bardiani Valvole S.p.A. based on designs and/or technical specifications 

provided by the purchaser.  

This warranty also does not cover:

- faults and/or defects resulting from incorrect and/or unsuitable and/or improper transport,

- faults and/or defects resulting from installation of the product which fails to observe the indications provided in the “Instruction, Use and 

Maintenance Manual” or in any case caused by incorrect and/or unsuitable and/or improper installation,

- faults and/or defects resulting from use and/or maintenance operations and/or storage of the products which fail to observe the prescriptions 

provided in the “Instruction, Use and Maintenance Manual” or in any case which are incorrect and/or unsuitable and/or improper,

- faults and/or defects ascribable to normal wear and tear of the product and/or its parts and/or its components,

- faults and/or defects in the product and/or its parts and/or its components whenever interventions and/or repairs have been performed by 

persons not authorized by Bardini Valvole S.p.A. and/or who are not suitably qualified,

- faults and/or defects in the product and/or its parts and/or its components ascribable to it being dropped and/or banged and/or dented and/or 

misuse and/or tampering and/or breakage and/or accidents caused by negligence and/or lack of care by the purchaser and in general for any 

causes not ascribable to design and/or manufacturing and/or material defects,

- faults and/or defects in the product and/or its parts and/or its components ascribable to negligence and/or carelessness and/or lack of care 

by the purchaser,

- faults and/or defects in the product and/or its parts and/or its components caused by other events outside the control of Bardiani Valvole 

S.p.A. or determined by force majeure 

or mishap.


1. All the information, indications, statements and technical details provided herein are based on test data which Bardiani Valvole S.p.A. 

holds to be reliable but which cannot be expected to cover every possible use of the product.

2. The illustrations and drawings provided are all indicative and are not binding, consequently they may not fully match the real appearance 

of the products.

3. Being as the conditions of product use and applications cannot be controlled by Bardiani Valvole S.p.A., the purchaser must ascertain 

suitability of the use he intends to make of the product beforehand and assume all risks and liabilities which may result from the same.

4.  Customers  are  strongly  advised  to  consult  Bardiani  Valvole  S.p.A.’s  technical-commercial  collaborators  to  request  any  specific 

information concerning the technical characteristics of the products.

5. The information provided in this document refers to standard production Bardiani Valvole S.p.A. products and therefore cannot be 

considered a basic reference for products built to meet specific requirements.
