In search of continuous improvement
Ref. no. R599020SS0408R001
Barco is an ISO 9001 registered company. The information and data given are typical for the equipment described. However any individual
item is subject to change without any notice. The latest version of this product sheet can be found on www.barco.com
About Barco
Barco has been serving the defense community for over 20 years, providing reliable
and high-quality rugged displays, deployable workstations, advanced imaging plat-
forms, and Common-Operational-Picture solutions.
A continued, focused investment in research and development has given the compa-
ny a unique expertise in providing high-performance, state-of-the-art visualization
solutions. Its worldwide facilities are fully equipped for in-house design, develop-
ment, testing and manufacturing. ISO 9001 certification, complete control of the pro-
duction process, extensive environmental testing programs, worldwide customer
support and project-specific customization, confirm Barco’s commitment to techno-
logically advanced, cost-competitive solutions.
Contact Barco
Europe, Middle-East, Africa:
+32 56 26 20 09
+1 678 475 8000
Latin America:
+55 11 38421656
+81 3 5762 8727
+86 400 88 22726
Or mail to [email protected]
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