background image

Creating effects with ScreenPRO-II

Examples of ScreenPRO-II’s creative transition capabilities 

With ScreenPRO-II, creating effects for live events and presentations is easy and intuitive — using the following “layered” building blocks: 

Two unscaled transitioning backgrounds

, at the native resolution of your projector.  These backgrounds also provide your frame grab sources.

Two scaled layers, assigned as either 



, or one of each. With PIPS, you control the size, position, aspect ratio, border, shadow and more.  

With Keys, you control the clip, gain, mode (luminance, color, or split), and special effects such as strobe and invert.


, at the native resolution of your projector.  Use a DVI input as the key source, or use a frame grab from the system’s internal frame stores.

Transitioning inside a PIP

Background A and Layer A (with source 1 inside) 
transitions to Background B and Layer B (with 
source 2 inside).  Both PIPs are perfectly 

Transitioning Keys and Backgrounds


Background A and Layer A transitions to 
Background B and Layer A (plus a new key from 
Layer B).  

Transitioning a PIP and the DSK


Background A and Layer A transitions to 
Background A and Layer A (plus a new Layer B PIP 
and the DSK).
