Calibrating displays
7. Select what kind of display you are going to calibrate: LCD
(flat panel display) or CRT (display with a picture tube).
When done, click on Next.
8. When you use the sensor that came with MediCal LE 1.03 (a
circular-shaped sensor), you are asked to calibrate the sensor
Therefore, carefully cover the “eye” of the sensor
so that absolutely no light can enter the sensor “eye”. E.g.,
you can hold the sensor with its “eye” down on a table
When done, click on Next.
When you use the sensor that came with a previous version
of MediCal LE (oval), this step is skipped.
9. In the next step, a test pattern with 4 patches on a black
background and 4 patches on a white background appears.
Figure 4: Calibration test pattern