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Noordlaan 5, 8520 Kuurne - Belgium

Tel. +32 56 36 80 47 - Fax +32 56 36 88 24

1651 North 1000 West - Logan, UT 84321

Tel. +1 800 429 3711 - Fax +1 435 752 8513

email: [email protected] R599816 - October 2004

Barco Projection Systems is an ISO 9001 registered company.

The information and data given are typical for the equipment described. 

However any individual item is subject to change without any notice

The latest version of this product sheet can be found on

Barco’s iStudio

Barco’s iStudio is the most advanced all-in-one solution
for managed monitoring. It consists of a display
connected to a graphic controller called Hydra, and Web-
based operating software. It allows for a high number of
images to be simultaneously viewed and controlled.
With iStudio, operators can size and move a virtual
monitor anywhere on the screen for maximum viewing.

Indoor LED display solutions

Barco’s indoor LED display product range delivers images
with high brightness and unequalled contrast levels as
well as superb color uniformity. With its slim, sleek
design, it allows the build up of almost any shape and
size display and is ideal for use in smaller indoor
locations with restricted viewing distances. 

Renowned for their ultimate picture quality, Barco’s
indoor LED display products have been awarded
numerous industry awards over the past few years.
Following resolutions are available: 3mm, 6mm, 8mm,
10mm and 12mm.

More than just an indoor LED display product, this range
is ideally suited for countless applications - from indoor
locations that deserve a touch of glamour such as retail
stores, showrooms or corporate lobbies, to large venues
such as entertainment areas and sports arenas.

AS Fuji TV oct04  12-10-2004  11:12  Pagina 2
