“you” means the entity on behalf of which these terms are accepted, and any of its representatives having access to the Software.
2. License Grant
License Scope
. Subject to compliance with all license terms and payment of applicable fees, Barco grants you a limited, non-
exclusive, non-assignable, non-transferable, non-sub-licensable license to use the Software exclusively in accordance with the conditions
and parameters set forth herein. Save for the Product Speci
c EULA or any broader license terms con
rmed through the DRM tool, the
license under this License Agreement applies to one (1) copy of the Software to be used on one single computing device by one (1) single
user. Installation on a computing device that may be concurrently accessed by more than one user shall not constitute a permitted use and
a separate license is required for each user connecting at the same time to a computing device on which the Software is being deployed.
License Type
. The applicable license type, and your rights in time, deployment and usage, are further detailed in the Product Speci
EULA (in the absence of which the scope shall be as set in article 2.1 hereof).
License restrictions
Intended Use
. You agree to use the Software solely as permitted by this License Agreement (and any Product Speci
c EULA made part
of it), by any applicable laws and in a matter consistent with its design and Documentation.
No Transfer (License Agreement)
. You agree not to transfer, assign or sublicense your license rights to any other person or entity, unless
Barco’s prior written consent is obtained.
No Transfer (Software)
. If you deactivate or uninstall the Software from the computer device on which it was originally installed, this will
terminate this License Agreement unless otherwise and speci
cally approved by Barco. You agree not to use the Software in association
with other hardware or software that allows to pool connections, reroute information or in any other way enables to breach or circumvent
the license restrictions by enabling the deployment and use of the Software by more than the authorized number of devices or users (e.g.
multiplexing) or otherwise attempts to reduce the number of licenses actually required.
Authorized Users
. The use of the Software is restricted to persons within your organization, or any third party representatives operating
under your responsibility and control, provided any such persons have accepted the terms of this License Agreement. You agree not to
use or permit the Software to be used to perform services for third parties, whether on a service bureau or time sharing basis or otherwise,
without the prior written authorization of Barco. You shall not lease, rent, sell or otherwise transfer or grant a security or other interest in
the Software.
No Modi
. You shall not make error corrections to or otherwise modify or adapt the Software or create derivative works based upon
the Software, or permit third parties to do the same.
No Reverse Engineering
. You agree not to reverse engineer or decompile, decrypt, disassemble or otherwise reduce the Software to
human-readable form, except to the extent otherwise expressly permitted under applicable law notwithstanding this restriction, or except
to the extent Barco is legally required to permit such speci
c activity pursuant to any applicable open source license.
Code required to ensure interoperability
. To the extent required by law, and at your written request, Barco shall provide you with the
interface information needed to achieve interoperability between the Software and another independently created programs used by you,
on payment of Barco’s applicable fee (if any). You shall observe strict obligations of con
dentiality with respect to such information and
shall use such information in compliance with terms and conditions which Barco makes applicable.
No Unbundling
. The Software may include various applications and components, may support multiple platforms and languages, and may
be provided on multiple media or in multiple copies. Nonetheless, the Software is designed and provided to you as a single product to
be used as a single product on devices as permitted herein. You agree not to unbundle the component parts of the Software for use on
different computer devices.
. You agree to use the Software solely in the territory or region where you obtained the Software from Barco or its authorized reseller
or as otherwise stated in the Documentation. Any export if permitted shall comply with any applicable (export) laws and regulations.
Your Infrastructure
. You remain responsible to procure and maintain hardware, operating system, network and other infrastruc-
ture (the “Infrastructure”) required to operate the Software and to keep such Infrastructure functioning and virus-free. You acknowledge
that the Software is a complex computer software application, and that the performance thereof may vary depending hardware platform,
software interactions and con
guration. You acknowledge that the Software is not designed and produced speci
cally to meet your re-
quirements and expectations and the selection of the Software by you is entirely your own choice and decision.
3. Ownership. Intellectual Property Rights.
. Any Software is licensed, not sold to you, on a non-exclusive basis for use only under the terms of this License Agreement,
and Barco and its suppliers reserve all rights not expressly granted to you. You may own the carrier on which the Software is provided, but
the Software is owned and copyrighted by Barco or by third party suppliers. Your license confers no title or ownership and is not a sale of
any rights in the Software or its Documentation.
Third Party Materials
. The Software may contain or require the use of certain third party technology (whether proprietary or
open source software), identi
ed by Barco in the Documentation, readme
le, third-party click-accept, on
or elsewhere
(the “Identi
ed Components”). Identi
ed Components may be subject to additional and/or different terms and you agree that the Identi
Components are licensed under the terms, disclaimers and warranties of their respective licenses which in the forthcoming case shall
override the provisions of this License Agreement.