High-quality LED screen
The LED tiles that come in this flexible total display solution, are Barco's well
known 10mm pixel pitch outdoor SLite 10 tiles, in a 4x4 configuration.
Fully engineered and manufactured by Barco, they offer cutting-edge LED display
technology and design quality. An extremely stringent selection of the LED
components together with Barco's extensive experience in image processing and
generation guarantees ultimate picture quality, color uniformity and total system
reliability. Furthermore, the SLite tiles are designed to perform in any weather
condition: they are IP65 rated and TUV approved.
Total display solution, easy as 1-2-3
Ready to operate in 15 minutes
Barco's B-10 works according to the "Drive and Play" principle: you drive to the
event location, you pull out the screen, and the show is on in no time. No need
for trusses and structures to be set up, no need for technical people on-site.
The LED-wall can easily be put out of the trailer by means of a simple lever-
control. Only one person is needed to perform this set-up, and the B-10 can be
ready to operate in 15 minutes.
Flexible and independent
The screen can turn around 360 degrees,
allowing you to adjust the display to face your
audience, whatever the setting.
The B-10 is completely self-contained so no
external power supply is needed. A diesel-
fueled generator provides 28 hours of
continuous operation (at half load) and power
outputs via CEE 32A plugs.
The B-10 comes with a Barco LED-PRO for high
quality image processing. Flexibly choose the
source needed for the application, connect to
the LED-PRO, and you are on the road. The
LED-PRO also allows for easy LED-wall and
source configuration, as well as effects pan &
zoom, freeze, logo store (transition to/from
stored logo).