1. Fan replacement kit
Remove the power supply assembly
Necessary tools
#1 Phillips screwdriver
How to remove the power supply assembly?
1. Remove three of the four 6–32 x 1/4” pan-head Phillips screws that hold the power supply in place; These screws can be found
on the side.
Image 1-6
2. Remove the fourth screw, while holding the power supply. Do this so that the power supply will not fall.
3. Carefully lift the power supply out and set it on top of the card cage.
No cables need to be removed from the power supply, but make sure not to stress the cables.
Image 1-7
Replace the fan assembly
Necessary tools
A small
at-blade screwdriver
#2 Phillips screwdriver
5/16” combination wrench
Necessary parts
Sub-Assembly, Fan
Keps nuts, 6–32, steel, clear zinc
nish (4 pieces)
Screw, 6–32 x 1/2”
at head Phillips, 100°, steel, clear zinc (4 pieces)
How to replace the fan assembly?
1. Remove the fan power connector from the front panel.
Use a small
at-blade screwdriver to help lift up the connector out of the socket.
Do not pull the power connector directly up on the wires. This will pull them out of the connector.
R59770891 AP20 & AP24 FAN REPLACEMENT KIT 28/09/2015