Version:BJ-9900-0812-V1 Page 8 of 75
Amplified transmitting signal reaching Q1132 transmit to diode switch D1107 through
the diode switch D1106 and drive amplifier, and finally be amplified by power amplifier
Q1135 to generate more than 35W output power .These three steps are controlled by
auto power control circuit.
35W RF signal through a high pass filter network transmit to the antenna switch D1118,
D1119 and D1120, and then through a low pass filter network, and another high-pass
filter network transmits to the antenna jack.
144 MHz
The audio signal which arrives at IC1042 are transferred to variable capacitance diode
D1082 and D1085 through transistor exchanger Q1114 and Q1115.
Amplified transmitting signal reaching Q113 2transmit to diode switch D1108 through
the diode switch D1105,D1106 and drive amplifier, and finally be amplified by power
amplifier Q1135 to generate more than 50W output power .
Q1132 come to be amplified transmission signal via a diode switch D1105, D1106, and
sent to the diode drive amplifier switch Q1134 D1108, Q1135 ultimately amplified by
the power amplifier, resulting in more than 50W of output power.These three steps are
controlled by automatic power control circuit.
50W RF signal through a high pass filter network transmit to the antenna switch D1113,
D1114 and then through a low pass filter network, and another high-pass filter network
transmits to the antenna jack.
Automatic power control circuit