You ought to get a pop-up box from which you can choose the Port as something like '/dev/
cu.usbserial' - this is the port that is hidden until the PL2303 driver is installed; other options
for Port are Bluetooth ports on my setup. Choose Vendor as Baofeng, model as UV-3R, and
hopefully hitting OK will download the settings from your UV-3R and display them nicely. You
can then modify settings and upload again (the software calls it 'cloning').
How do I program when using Linux?
I'm using XUBUNTU 11.10 with CHIRP installed through Ubuntu Software Center after
executing the instructions over here:
I also use the Baofeng 1.09 software for Windows on top of WINE, the windows emulator
For the radio I have a USB-programming cable.
For CHIRP I use /dev/ttyUSB0, but WINE does not support USB drivers. The cable however
is recognized as a serial device and then all you need is a symbolic link between the
com port set in the Windows Baofeng program, e.g. com1 and /dev/ttyUSB0 and that must
be in the folder ~/.wine/dosdevices
This will work:
ln -s /dev/ttyUSB0 ~/.wine/dosdevices/com1
[from message number
For more information on WINE for Linux please see this link;
Ubuntu and other versions (or “flavors”) of Linux should have the drivers for the programming
cable already, but not all do.
For more information or to problem solve, please see Linux groups for your “flavor” (Red Hat,
Fedora, Ubuntu, etc) for further assistance.
When using Chirp through Ubuntu, you will also need to get auto program updates (PPA) set up
using this link;
Great information from message
I have installed and used the v1.09 software for the Baofeng UV-3R mark II with the
latest versions of both Ubuntu and Fedora.
I had to install Wine (Windows emulation) with the standard package installers of
those operating systems. The use of Wintricks was not necesarry; the Baofeng program
installed and ran without a problem. I'm using a USB to serial cable to connect the
computer to the radio. In the Baofeng program I'm using com1: (serial port 1) as the
connecting port.
In order associate the Linux serial USB device with the windows (dos virtual) serial
port 1 I executed "ln -s /dev/ttyUSB0 ~/.wine/dosdevices/com1" in a Linux terminal.
UV-3R FAQ v. 2012-01-27
Page 19