Not all screens are available for all models. To change to another model of DXM, go to the Select Mode screen and use the drop-
down list to select another model. If the active configuration is incompatible with the selected model, you will be prompted to either
proceed and wipe out the active configuration or cancel the model change and preserve the configuration.
Figure 3. Traditional Setup opening screen
Connect via USB or Ethernet. If connecting via Ethernet, set network parameters through the DXM LCD menu in the System Cfg >
Ethernet menu. Network parameters can also be set within the DXM Configuration Software. Setting parameters on the LCD menu
overrides the parameters stored in the configuration file. To use the network parameters in the configuration file, reset the network
parameters on the DXM LCD menu.
Banner recommends disconnecting the COMM port through the Device menu before turning off power or disconnecting the USB
cable. Use Device > Reboot to restart the DXM if needed; the tool automatically disconnects the COMM port, then reconnect it
Tip: If connection attempts are failing (Application Status Icon in the footer of the tool is Red), close the DXM
Configuration Software and disconnect the USB cable from the computer. Reconnect the cable, launch the
software, and attempt connecting again.
Important: Any model of DXM may connect to the DXM Configuration Software regardless of which device
model is selected in the tool. Compatibility is checked before configuration files are uploaded to the device.
Configuration Example: Reading Registers on a Modbus Slave Device
The local registers are the main global pool of registers that are defined by the user to store data within the DXM. The local
registers are listed on the Local Registers > Local Registers in Use screen.
The bottom status bar displays the communications status, application status, and the DXM Configuration Software version.
In this short example, we will configure the DXM to read six registers on an external Modbus Slave device and save the data into
the local registers.
Important: The software only loads a file to the DXM. Internal parameter settings that are changed in the tool but
not saved to the file will not be sent to the device.
Modify Multiple Registers
Modify a range of registers from the Local Registers > Local Registers in Use > Modify Multiple Registers screen.
Select which parameter fields to modify. Most parameters have three selections.
Unchanged—no changes
Default—change to default settings
Set—modify parameter. Other selections will appear based on the parameter.
Figure 4. Modify Multiple Registers screen
1. Enter the Starting register and Ending register.
2. Select the value to change using the drop-down list next to each value.
DXM Controller Quick Start Guide
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P/N 191247 Rev. E